Prices Not Displaying Right
WordPress version: test site at (any Category)
WP e-Commerce version: latest
Gold Cart version: latest
Theme: artisteerI did this: installed a product (any)
I expected WP e-Commerce to do this: see the prices display in grid view and in the product page (Because they didnt and support solutions are slim, whited them out #FFFFFF)(but they are there still ther on the grid view and product page)
If I add a product price of £1,200.00 or £1,200
It shows as £1.00Ive tried in admin/general tab to use , and . as thousands seperator but it wont show the price. In that case it shows £1.20
EXAMPLE: this product in ecommerse product page price is set at £1,299.99 but it shows as £1.00 on the product page and grid view. You have to SELECT the price just above the SHARE THIS link to see that the price is £1.00 (because they didnt show I whited them out until i get it fixed.
PS: I want to get the gold version because theres a gallery (not galler pro) slider I want to include but Im not buying to solve this issue as it should be working. Il upgrade later when im ready, but I want this issue solvesd if pos. Thanks.
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