• WordPress version: test site at shops.4elife.co.uk/products-page (any Category)
    WP e-Commerce version: latest
    Gold Cart version: latest
    Theme: artisteer

    I did this: installed a product (any)

    I expected WP e-Commerce to do this: see the prices display in grid view and in the product page (Because they didnt and support solutions are slim, whited them out #FFFFFF)(but they are there still ther on the grid view and product page)

    If I add a product price of £1,200.00 or £1,200
    It shows as £1.00

    Ive tried in admin/general tab to use , and . as thousands seperator but it wont show the price. In that case it shows £1.20

    EXAMPLE: this product in ecommerse product page price is set at £1,299.99 but it shows as £1.00 on the product page and grid view. You have to SELECT the price just above the SHARE THIS link to see that the price is £1.00 (because they didnt show I whited them out until i get it fixed.


    PS: I want to get the gold version because theres a gallery (not galler pro) slider I want to include but Im not buying to solve this issue as it should be working. Il upgrade later when im ready, but I want this issue solvesd if pos. Thanks.


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  • I am not an expert, but have you tried to enter the price just plain “1200” without any commas and other punctuation? I guess that commas etc. is the way the product price is displayed but not the way it should be enter by the seller…

    Thread Starter 4elife


    It seems you are an expert – From my point of view anyways. I entered 1299.99 and it displayed right.

    Im using the amazon affiliate plugin and prices are added automatically for m0ost products but product over £1000 are not displayed PLUS some other prices are not displayed for some reason. When I say displayed I mean passed from the amazon import to the product page/price page on the store end.

    IL have to check a few more product prices to see what the common denominator is because its not just hapening to products over £1000, some at £5000 are installed and some at £27 (examples) Yet others arent. Il post backk or make anothe rpost when ive figured out what the common denominator is.

    Many thanks for your reply, it solved this issue and much appreciated thanks.,

    You are welcome ??

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