• I really like this plugin and have used it on other sites previously but I am having an issue this time around. I add a new menu item, then I fill out the title, the decription and add a price, hit save (I am not using photos) then repeat til I am done with that menu section. When I click publish all of the titles hold but not all of the descriptions or prices. It seems to be completely random as to which ones though. I have then replaced the content that disappeared and once again some holds and some doesn’t.

    Also the Screen Options button does not work. When I click on it nothing happens. It works in all other sections of WordPress (pages, posts etc.) but not this plugin.

    I have checked for special characters.
    I am on the most up to date version of WordPress with the most recent version of Quick Restaurant Menu plugin.
    I have disabled all other plugins and the problem persists.
    I have switched to default twenty sixteen theme and the problem persists.


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  • Plugin Author Alejandro


    Hey, I have checked with the last version of WP and works without problem -> https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cDjfopiJeQ
    Yeah, the screen options button does not work, there is a conflict with the bootstrap framework I”m using… I’m solving it for the next release ?? Ty

    Hi Alejandro,

    I work with tifsy2 and have created a screencast of our issue. This is on a clean install of WordPress 4.5.3 (so clean I had to refresh the permalinks to get the menu to show up!). Twenty Sixteen Theme and no plugins installed except for yours.


    In the admin, all fields display after input. However, when you look at the frontend menu page, some fields are gone. Then when you click update in the admin, the same fields disappear in the backend.

    I’ve recreated this issue a bunch of times on multiple computers with multiple browsers. It happens when we create a new menu. It happens when we edit an existing menu. Sometimes old items will lose their price or description. Sometimes it happens to new items. The problem is very arbitrary. You never know what information will disappear.

    The only thing I can think of is an encoding issue. We use utf8mb encoding so our database collation is utf8mb4_unicode_ci and our wp-config file contains the line:
    define(‘DB_CHARSET’, ‘utf8mb4’);

    Please let me know if I can provide you with any further information.

    Plugin Author Alejandro


    I’m afraid don’t know if it’s an encoding issue, I cannot see the database. Check the ajax calls with the Google developer tools to see if data is sent correctly to wordpress, then check the data saved directly in the database, it is saved in postmeta table for each menu.

    Hi Ale,

    The AJAX calls seem to say it is successful but the data is not being sent to the database correctly.

    Please see the following screencast for ajax debug and database info:

    I set up an error_log() call in ajax-functions.php in function erm_update_menu_item() on line 44 – just before wp_send_json_success() to test $_POST data:


    It looks like the function erm_update_menu_item() is fired three times per menu item, but the order isn’t always the same. In a test with error log on, the title and description were saved OK, but the price did not save on the next item. Not sure if this is helpful or not.

    Screenshot of items:


    [15-Aug-2016 17:28:18 UTC] Array
        [action] => erm_update_menu_item
        [post_id] => 288
        [title] => Frosties
        [content] =>
        [image_id] => 0
        [visible] => true
    [15-Aug-2016 17:28:18 UTC] Array
        [action] => erm_update_menu_item
        [post_id] => 288
        [title] => Frosties
        [content] => <p>Theeeeeeeeeey're full of sugar! I mean, great.</p>
        [image_id] => 0
        [visible] => true
    [15-Aug-2016 17:28:18 UTC] Array
        [action] => erm_update_menu_item
        [post_id] => 288
        [title] => Frosties
        [content] => <p>Theeeeeeeeeey're full of sugar! I mean, great.</p>
        [image_id] => 0
        [visible] => true
        [prices] => Array
                [0] => Array
                        [name] => bowl
                        [value] => 7.99


    [15-Aug-2016 17:27:52 UTC] Array
        [action] => erm_update_menu_item
        [post_id] => 284
        [title] => Coco Pops
        [content] => <p>Chocolatey, yum!</p>
        [image_id] => 0
        [visible] => true
        [prices] => Array
                [0] => Array
                        [name] => bowl
                        [value] => 7.99
    [15-Aug-2016 17:27:52 UTC] Array
        [action] => erm_update_menu_item
        [post_id] => 284
        [title] => Coco Pops
        [content] =>
        [image_id] => 0
        [visible] => true
    [15-Aug-2016 17:27:52 UTC] Array
        [action] => erm_update_menu_item
        [post_id] => 284
        [title] => Coco Pops
        [content] => <p>Chocolatey, yum!</p>
        [image_id] => 0
        [visible] => true

    Plugin Author Alejandro


    Hey Prunly:
    I have found the problem…there was a bug in the javascript file that was trigering the ajax update of the menu item 3 times. For solving the problem you can replace directly the file from here:
    I’ll update the plugin very soon, thanks for your comments, it has been very helpful.

    Thanks Alejandro, this appears to have done the trick! I am very glad because your plugin is by far the best menu management plugin on WordPress as it makes it very easy for non-technical clients to keep their menus up to date.

    Thank you for sharing with the community. This issue is resolved.

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