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  • Hey EntoMarket,

    It is pretty easy add if you have a custom theme or access to your code. You just need to retrieve the relevant price by changing the name of customer to the role that you want to display.

    <strong>Customer price:</strong> <?php echo get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), '_regular_price_customer', true ); ?>


    Hey there, that is an easy line that is for sure.
    Can I get a little more detail on where/how to add that ?

    I also want to display regular price/wholesale price in the cart and on product pages.

    I see the woocommerce product price function, in woocommerce.php and price.php but I suppose one would want to build a function that checks if they are a logged in wholesale user and if yes then show the price (of a non wholesale user).

    I am just pretty scared to write that… any more elegant solutions to this ?

    Thank you,


    Plugin Author Varun Sridharan



    The code give by @jshindler will not support for latest version..

    for latest version kindly use the below code any where

    Get Product’s Regular Price For Customer

    <strong>Customer Regular Price:</strong> <?php echo do_shortcode('[wc_rbp id='99' role='customer' price='regular_price']');

    Get Product’s Selling Price Based On Logged In User
    <strong>Customer Selling Price:</strong> <?php echo do_shortcode('[wc_rbp id='99' role='customer' price='selling_price']');

    Shortcode Variables Explained

    • id=99 you need to replace the 99 with your simple/variable product id
    • role=customer you need replace customer with your user role id / use current to get loggedin user role
    • price use regular_price or selling_price to get the value of each
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