Hi @wordpress07,
Thank you for providing the screenshots.
I observed on your site that there are 2 options to change the currency while adding the product to the cart. We can purchase the product with the INR price or in US Dollar price. https://www.screencast.com/t/u9HmPi7vjL6
So, if I select INR currency then the product price is INR 599 and if I select USD then the product price is USD 8.5. So, it might be possible that when someone has abandoned the cart, the customer has selected USD and abandoned a cart in USD. So, the price was showing 8.5 but the currency symbol is showing in INR on Abandoned Orders tab because we do show the default WooCommerce currency symbol from WooCommerce -> Settings -> General -> Currency options section.
Please let us know which Currency switcher plugin you are using?
To confirm this, can you please try to abandon two carts on your site one with the INR currency and another with Dollar and see whether the currency is displaying correctly on the Abandoned Orders page or not?
Please check the same and let us know the result.
Priyanka Jagtap