• Hello

    I have a problem with the “Price based on User Role” function from the Booster Plugin für WooCommerce. The function is active and the meta box appears in each product’s edit page. But I can’t activate it on the products page.

    I choose Enabled “Yes” from the dropdown and update the product, but after the page reload the function is still Enabled -> No.

    The only thing that works: i export the prducts as CSV and edit the metatags and the price manually. After I import the CSV file, the meta box is active and shows the correct values. But then we cant change anything on the product anymore, because everytime when we press “update” the “Price bases on User Role” meta box changes to enabled -> No…

    It’s very annoying because the only thin how we can edit products is to export the CSV, edit the CSV and import the CSV… Or we lost our user based prices…

    Does anyone have an idea why we have this behavior? I think we didnt have this problem all the time. It used to work in the past. Are there maybe some special settings oder do other plugins cause this problem?

    I would be happy to receive suggestions for solutions.


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  • Plugin Support David G


    Hi @mybarkeeper

    Thanks for reaching out to us.

    If possible can you check the console from the edit product page? That might have any errors. We can help you to resolve the issue. If possible share a screenshot of that console log.

    Hello, I have the same problem.
    It seems it’s only possible to have prices by user role only on one product.
    I can’t activate it on a second product. But when I deactivate on the first one, I can now activate it on the second one.

    @gravid7 what console are you talking about ? The console of the browser in dev mode ?

    Plugin Support David G


    Hi @maugrey

    You can open inspect element by pressing Ctrl + Shift + I. It will open the inspector bar and you can check the console log.

    Yeah, I knew that ??
    I just wanted to be sure it was these log you wanted.

    Here is the procedure :
    – My WP interface is in french.
    – WordPress 5.7.1, WooCommerce Version 5.0.0, Booster for WooCommerce Version 5.3.9
    – I have a product where the “Per Product Settings” is already activated. It’s a product with wariation.
    – I go to another product with variation.
    – I select yes in the Per Product Settings activation.
    – I click on update on the publish box of WP.
    – the Per Product Settings activation is back on “no”
    – And then, there is all the logs :

    jquery-migrate.min.js:2 JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 3.3.2
    agy_admin_script.js?ver=1.0.0:1 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'click' of null
        at agy_admin_script.js?ver=1.0.0:1
    (anonymous) @ agy_admin_script.js?ver=1.0.0:1
    jquery.min.js:2 [Violation] 'setTimeout' handler took 61ms
    jquery.min.js:2 [Violation] 'setTimeout' handler took 70ms
    catcher.js:135 [Violation] Added synchronous DOM mutation listener to a 'DOMNodeRemoved' event. Consider using MutationObserver to make the page more responsive.
    (anonymous) @ catcher.js:135
    (anonymous) @ catcher.js:240
    DevTools failed to load SourceMap: Could not load content for chrome-extension://lelehponoadknmgbnmgkcniabpopckme/content-script/popup-and-shoppingbar.js.map: HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_UNKNOWN_URL_SCHEME
    DevTools failed to load SourceMap: Could not load content for chrome-extension://lelehponoadknmgbnmgkcniabpopckme/content-script/coupon-applier.js.map: HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_UNKNOWN_URL_SCHEME
    catcher.js:135 [Violation] Added synchronous DOM mutation listener to a 'DOMNodeRemoved' event. Consider using MutationObserver to make the page more responsive.
    (anonymous) @ catcher.js:135
    (anonymous) @ catcher.js:240
    ?v=2.0:16 WebSocket connection to 'wss://public-api.wordpress.com/pinghub/wpcom/me/newest-note-data' failed: 
    w @ ?v=2.0:16
    C @ ?v=2.0:16
    D @ ?v=2.0:16
    tinymce.min.js:2 [Violation] 'load' handler took 169ms
    plugin.min.js?wp-mce-49110-20201110:1 [Violation] 'setTimeout' handler took 54ms
    [Violation] Forced reflow while executing JavaScript took 53ms
    VM823 post.php:1 [DOM] Found 3 elements with non-unique id #_ajax_nonce: (More info: https://goo.gl/9p2vKq) <input type=?"hidden" id=?"_ajax_nonce" name=?"_ajax_nonce" value=?"78084626f6">? <input type=?"hidden" id=?"_ajax_nonce" name=?"_ajax_nonce" value=?"78084626f6">? <input type=?"hidden" id=?"_ajax_nonce" name=?"_ajax_nonce" value=?"78084626f6">?
    VM823 post.php:1 [DOM] Found 2 elements with non-unique id #current-page-selector-1: (More info: https://goo.gl/9p2vKq) <select class=?"page-selector" id=?"current-page-selector-1" title=?"Page courante">?…?</select>? <select class=?"page-selector" id=?"current-page-selector-1" title=?"Page courante">?…?</select>?
    VM823 post.php:1 [DOM] Found 3 elements with non-unique id #insert-jetpack-contact-form: (More info: https://goo.gl/9p2vKq) <button type=?"button" id=?"insert-jetpack-contact-form" class=?"button" title=?"Ajouter un formulaire de contact" href=?"javascript:?;?">?…?</button>? <button type=?"button" id=?"insert-jetpack-contact-form" class=?"button" title=?"Ajouter un formulaire de contact" href=?"javascript:?;?">?…?</button>? <button type=?"button" id=?"insert-jetpack-contact-form" class=?"button" title=?"Ajouter un formulaire de contact" href=?"javascript:?;?">?…?</button>?
    VM823 post.php:1 [DOM] Found 9 elements with non-unique id #neve_meta_box_process: (More info: https://goo.gl/9p2vKq) <input type=?"hidden" id=?"neve_meta_box_process" name=?"neve_meta_box_process" value=?"4a14bbc143">? <input type=?"hidden" id=?"neve_meta_box_process" name=?"neve_meta_box_process" value=?"4a14bbc143">? <input type=?"hidden" id=?"neve_meta_box_process" name=?"neve_meta_box_process" value=?"4a14bbc143">? <input type=?"hidden" id=?"neve_meta_box_process" name=?"neve_meta_box_process" value=?"4a14bbc143">? <input type=?"hidden" id=?"neve_meta_box_process" name=?"neve_meta_box_process" value=?"4a14bbc143">? <input type=?"hidden" id=?"neve_meta_box_process" name=?"neve_meta_box_process" value=?"4a14bbc143">? <input type=?"hidden" id=?"neve_meta_box_process" name=?"neve_meta_box_process" value=?"4a14bbc143">? <input type=?"hidden" id=?"neve_meta_box_process" name=?"neve_meta_box_process" value=?"4a14bbc143">? <input type=?"hidden" id=?"neve_meta_box_process" name=?"neve_meta_box_process" value=?"4a14bbc143">?
    VM823 post.php:1 [DOM] Found 2 elements with non-unique id #woocommerce_meta_nonce: (More info: https://goo.gl/9p2vKq) <input type=?"hidden" id=?"woocommerce_meta_nonce" name=?"woocommerce_meta_nonce" value=?"8b1dba3385">? <input type=?"hidden" id=?"woocommerce_meta_nonce" name=?"woocommerce_meta_nonce" value=?"8b1dba3385">?
    VM823 post.php:1 The resource https://champagne-jm-rigot-test.maugrey.planethoster.world/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/packages/woocommerce-admin/dist/app/index.js?ver=1.9.0 was preloaded using link preload but not used within a few seconds from the window's load event. Please make sure it has an appropriate <code>as</code> value and it is preloaded intentionally.
    VM823 post.php:1 The resource https://champagne-jm-rigot-test.maugrey.planethoster.world/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/packages/woocommerce-admin/dist/components/style.css?ver=1.9.0 was preloaded using link preload but not used within a few seconds from the window's load event. Please make sure it has an appropriate <code>as</code> value and it is preloaded intentionally.
    VM823 post.php:1 The resource https://champagne-jm-rigot-test.maugrey.planethoster.world/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/packages/woocommerce-admin/dist/components/index.js?ver=1.9.0 was preloaded using link preload but not used within a few seconds from the window's load event. Please make sure it has an appropriate <code>as</code> value and it is preloaded intentionally.
    VM823 post.php:1 The resource https://champagne-jm-rigot-test.maugrey.planethoster.world/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/packages/woocommerce-admin/dist/app/style.css?ver=1.9.0 was preloaded using link preload but not used within a few seconds from the window's load event. Please make sure it has an appropriate <code>as</code> value and it is preloaded intentionally.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Yui.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by maugrey.
    Plugin Support David G


    Hi @maugrey

    Thanks for sharing the log. If possible can you please try to deactivate the plugin one by one? This could help you to debug the issue.

    Hi @gravid7,
    I tried to deactivate everything but Woocommerce and of course Booster for WooCommerce.
    The problem is still here.
    To be sure, I also tried with simple products (because my products are variation products), and with english UI (instead of french). The problem is still the same. I can only use the “Per Product Settings” box with only one product.
    When i duplicate the product, it’s OK, but when I publish the copy, the “Per Product Settings” goes back to Enabled => False.

    Hi @gravid7 ,
    Do you have any information about this problem ?
    Do you need more information to help you ?

    Thread Starter mybarkeeper


    Hi @gravid7

    Do you have any idea, how we can solve the problem or how we can identify the cause of the problem?

    We still have the problem and its very troublesome. For every chancge we need to edit and upload an CSV File.


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