Hi Joan,
(stumbled by after upgrading my plugins, not this one),
I use:
<div class="containerbottomtextalignleft"><?php next_post_smart('%link', '« Newer post'); ?></div>
I am not a coder so I cannot judge yours:
<?php echo '<div class="older">'; next_post_smart();echo '</div>'; ?>
The nextpostNOTTRUE etc you quote from me is just a way of rewording the proces; nothing to do with coding.
Scribu, the plugin author wrote about multiple category assingment: With the Smarter Navigation plugin that is a non-issue, since it will generate links based on the last category page the user came from.
But, I see what you mean: taste of turky is missing; it skips to Africa
Going to the post “Taste of Turkey” gives out of category links as does Aegean; the left one should be missing there/being empty because there is no newer one.
I reckon it is a sub or sub/sub category thing.
The same happens for new-zealand. The good hits can be accidental, purely date/time related because WP flips through posts normally by date/time but I cannit see this info on your posts. Maybe it does not work at all up till now.
Try my coding example first. The best test is going to the last post from a category view; then one of the links newer/older should be empty/missing.
Let’s hope Scribu drops by; apparently you are working with subcategories (I don’t).