• I use a lot of Pages in my sites and need a way to add “previous” and “next” titles to Pages a€?? so that users could cycle forward and backward through Pages by ID# a€?? the way they do with posts.

    Any ideas?

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  • I have a documenation “project” that I want to move over to Word Press. It has about 25 to 30 pages total.

    I’m reading over these posts about a next/previous link for pages and I still don’t understand what I’m supposed to do. When I copy and paste the PHP code into my page, I just see the actual PHP code when I go back to my page – it doesn’t show me a “Next >>” hyperlink.

    @blixel: Which PHP code are we talking about?

    If you’d be happy with Page navigation based strictly on post date, contact me through email (follow link to my site).

    @kafkaesqui: I think I figured out what I needed. I just needed the <!–next-page–> comment to separate my pages. WP seems to have a navigation system built-in. I thought I needed to submit a new page for each page I wanted to be displayed. I didn’t realize I only needed to create 1 “page”. My only worry though is that when I finish this page, I’ll have a Pages: section at the bottom that is 3 lines long. i.e. “Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27” and so on out to about 40 something pages.

    Kafkaesqui’s plugin is here:

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