• Actually my “previous entries link” at the bottom of my site is not working properly. Whenever i click the previous entries link it shows me the same posts which i had on my homepage i.e on my first page. In short my previos entries link is not showing up my older posts.

    Find this problem by clicking “Previous entries link” at the bottom of my blog. It’s VirginTech.org

    Please do let me know what should i do to address this problem because it’s really going over my head!!

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  • I see you got this working, I have the same issue. How did you fix it?

    Thread Starter shahabkhan_online


    Hey if you still want the solution for the above problem then do lemme know??
    I will tell you whats the problem on your side!

    Thread Starter shahabkhan_online


    Contact me at [email protected]

    And why not posting the solution here, so that everybody could use it?

    Thread Starter shahabkhan_online


    And why not posting the solution here, so that everybody could use it?

    Actually the solution is not a general one, i need to know first what code you are using and what error you are getting and That’s why i can’t post anything here right now, You got it Mr. Moshu.

    I’m having the same problem. Why not post what solved YOUR problem so others can at least TRY it?????

    Thread Starter shahabkhan_online


    Well the problem might be due to selected category posts on your home page! Are you showing post category wise on your home page??

    Thread Starter shahabkhan_online


    I got few emails regarding this problem from many people… and what i inferred is that this problem arises when one tries to show up the posts on the homepage category wise.

    I was also unable to eliminate that problem completely but i am going to share my experience with you guys, how i adjusted to this problem!

    NOTE: I am assuming that you have some basic knowledge of HTML. Also try implenting this first on your local server. This solution worked for me i can’t give you any guarantee that this would work for you too, but i hope it would work(99.9%)!

    See i would recommend you guys to not to show posts category wise on your homepage. You better create another page by adding code in the file header.php.

    Now you may be thinking “From where to get the code for another page”?
    Simple, copy the portion of code from header.php that shows “home” tab in your theme.

    Just copy that code in your header.php file and paste it to get home tab twice. Now you can rename this page by renaming HOME as whatever you like.
    Now on this page you can show posts category wise. All you need to do is to get the url for the desired category page, like in my case it is “https://virgintech.org/category/virgintech-reviews”

    Now this is the URL to which your newly created page should link to!

    Now all the posts which are assigned this category will show up only on this new page.

    That’s it!

    Shahab khan

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