When a user with the revisor role edits a page published by someone else they do not have an option to preview their changes before submitting a revision. They have to submit the revision and then preview it in the revisions manager. This causes some confusion if a publisher is online, receives the email and then publishes the page before the revisor is complete. Is there any way to add a preview page before the revision is submitted?

    ISSUE 2

    If a user edits a published page, with publishing permissions (Admin, Editor), and chooses to submit the page for revision rather than publish. The revision cannot be previewed in revisions manager. The following error is displayed.

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function rvy_get_post_meta() in /home/rscadm/public_html/wp-content/plugins/revisionary/front_rvy.php on line 126

    Also it would be nice if the preview opened in a new tab rather than the current tab.


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  • I’m also experiencing this issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    I was possibly able to fix this temporarily. In the front_rvy.php file, lines 125-130, I replaced:

    if ( $id ) {
    if ( ! $template = rvy_get_post_meta($id, '_wp_page_template', true) ) {
    if ( $revision = get_post( $id ) ) {
    $template = rvy_get_post_meta($revision->post_parent, '_wp_page_template', true);


    if ( $id ) {
    if ( ! $template = get_post_meta($id, '_wp_page_template', true) ) {
    if ( $revision = get_post( $id ) ) {
    $template = get_post_meta($revision->post_parent, '_wp_page_template', true);

    Not meaning to bump this, so I apologize in advance if I am, but this seems like it might be related.

    I am having the same problem as ISSUE 2, except (here’s where I am not meaning to add confusion), it is happening for a certain page (2 pages actually) not a certain user, and it is happening in Scheduled Revisions and Pending Revisions. Also, I get a Page Not Found message not the error you are seeing.

    Notice the URL is different too:
    Preview works: https://mywebsite/page/?preview=true
    Preview doesn’t work: https://mywebsite/page/&post_type=revision&preview=1&post_type=revision?preview=1 (if I replace the end with the working URL, still get 404 error)

    I tried the above edit and it didn’t work. Again, I can start my own thread, but I thought this might be related. Thanks!

    Andrew’s fix was a major help! Nobody on my site was able to preview the pending posts, but that completely resolved our issue! Thank you!!


    Can you advise please if
    1/ Revisoinay works with WP 3.9.2?
    2/ Doe it work also with s2members ?


    Here’s a fix for this issue that does not involve modifying the plugin. Add the following to functions.php in your theme or child theme:

    if (! function_exists( 'rvy_get_post_meta' ) ):
    function rvy_get_post_meta( $post_id, $key = '', $single = false ) {
        return get_post_meta( $post_id, $key, $single );

    Thanks @zbyte for the simple fix. Seems to work in WP4.0



    Thanks @zbyte! It worked for me as well.

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