1. you can make the phone field required by adding the code below in your theme functions.php file
add_filter( "adverts_form_load", "customize_adverts_add" );
function customize_adverts_add( $form ) {
if( $form['name'] != "advert" ) {
return $form;
foreach( $form["field"] as $key => $field ) {
if( $field["name"] == "adverts_phone" ) {
$form["field"][$key]["is_required"] = true;
$form["field"][$key]["validator"][] = array( "name" => "is_required" );
return $form;
2. where the users can edit other users Ads? On the page with [adverts_manage] shortcode or in wp-admin / Classifieds?
The wp-admin / Classifieds panel is available only to users with Editor or Administrator role, that is to users who manage the site and these users can edit all the uploaded Ads.