• I believe wordpress is sending something which alerts the spammer right when you install, and my guess is that the bot he uses probably reeds the pingomatic rss feed which comes by default in the wp install. You can find it in the ping section, Options>Writing. https://rpc.pingomatic.com/
    Do you know what I mean? Yes! you start getting spam right after install, don’t you find that suspicious?
    I recommend that in version 1.3 they erase this domain from the opitions section.
    So my advice. Just after you install, while you are configuring, erase Pingomatic BEFORE YOU DO YOUR FIRST POST!
    Good luck and happy blogging!

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  • I have five sites running where I receive virtually no spam at all and all of them have Pingomatic set.

    Unless you want no visitors or are pinging the various weblog directories selectively, I’d say you would want to leave Ping-O-Matic doing its job (and quite a fine one, thank you Matt et al). I don’t have the link at hand (someone chime in, please), but there is a relatively painless change to WP that should relieve the pain of spam. I was at 100+ spam hits per entry until I applied the couple of lines change and am (for the moment) living blissfully spam-free. And to echo NuclearMoose, I run a half-dozen WP-driven sites with the same results.

    if you haven’t been hit yet your time will surely come. this is actually quite a wise spam-prevention measure, and i’m disheartened to see it dismissed so lightly. (though obviously that has quite a lot to do with the ownership of pingomatic).
    there are lots of good reasons for pinging, true, but it is disingenuous in the extreme to argue that broadcasting the location of your wordpress installation to the world is not useful information for spammers. you may think the advantages of pinging outweigh that disadvantage (i happen to agree), but pretending it isn’t true does nobody any favours.

    Moderator James Huff


    Yes, and even if I disable pinging, I will eventually be hit by spam. So, your point is?

    Well, since 99% of the spam I’ve been hit with, and most of what others have been hit with has been on OLD POSTS not on new ones, I’d say the pingomatic isn’t the cause (or alert.) Even if it is, all pingomatic doe is alert other pinging services know you’ve updated. Which the spammer could easily be a member of as well. As such, the pingomatic is not the cause.
    There are better measures for fighting span than disabling pingomatic. Hell, if you want to be absolutly sure you’ll never get spam, remove the comments section from your template, turn them off and delete the appropriate comment file from your site. That’s the only way to be 100% sure (and even then I’m not convinced it’s 100% effective) that you won’t get spam. You won’t get comments either, but at least you can claim to be 100% spam-free. i’d go on, but this was the subject of a previous rant in these forums and I’m not going to have at it again.

    It’s probably some script kiddie thing. Auto-search Google for web pages with both high page rank and a comments function. Auto-detect what spam script to hurl at comments function. Fire at will.
    You know, the best way to figure out how to stop spam would be to learn how to send it. Not that you would actually send any, of course.

    Moderator James Huff


    Well, not really specifically. Tons of those queries go out, you just never get hit by the ones that look for MT files.

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