Hi @svenms,
Currently, it’s not possible to make the changes that you have mentioned and due to that removing the action/filter of the plugin can’t be done. To remove the fees based on some conditions, you can replace the below file and place the provided code in the functions.php file of your currently active theme.
Link to download file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/k0hcggwmhcxma5h/class-alg-wc-checkout-fees.zip?dl=0
file path : /wp-content/plugins/checkout-fees-for-woocommerce/includes
file name : class-alg-wccheckout-fees.php
function alg_wc_checkout_fees_after_fees_added() {
$fees = WC()->cart->get_fees();
foreach ( $fees as $key => $fee ) {
if ( 'Bank' === $fees[ $key ]->name ) { // Remove Bank fee.
unset( $fees[ $key ] );
WC()->cart->fees_api()->set_fees( $fees );
add_action( 'alg_wc_checkout_fees_after_fees_added', 'alg_wc_checkout_fees_after_fees_added' );
Provided code will help to remove the fees added from the plugin. e.g The Fee with the title “Bank” is getting added via the plugin. After doing the above changes will remove the “Bank” fees from the table. You can do the necessary changes in the provided code according to your business requirements. Feel free to let us know if you need any help from us.
If this still doesn’t help then please do the necessary changes in the plugin code and share it with us. If we feel that the changed code will not affect the other functionality of the plugin then we will release it in the future update after testing it thoroughly.
Ask me if you have any further questions.