• Hi

    If I set the PRETTY URLs to DISABLE – then the plugin works well. However, if I set the value to ENABLE and I use a slug such as ATTACHMENTS, then the system keeps giving the user a 404.

    BTW – the plugin in general is awesome, just this small issue that is causing some problems.

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  • Plugin Author dFactory


    Did you try to use a different slug?
    The “attachments” slug might collide with wordpress attachments post type rewrite rules.

    Thread Starter jodani


    Thanks for the suggestion.

    I tried both:

    • download
    • abcdef

    and still got a 404. Any other suggestion would be great.

    Plugin Author dFactory


    Ok, try to follow this thread and make a small change in the plugin: https://dfactory.eu/support/topic/download-not-working-encryption-was-activated-then-deactivated-in-the-options/

    It will be included in the next release. Hope this helps.

    Thread Starter jodani


    Hi guys

    I have kept my site up to date – but this plugin still does not work properly. If I choose to use a PRETTY URL (and enter “test123”), and after saving and clearing the cache, the front end still gives me a PAGE CANNOT BE FOUND.

    Please note that I do use the following plugins:

    • HIDE MY WP

    Can you please let me know if you guys are going to fix this?


    Plugin Author dFactory


    Do you use URL’s ecryption?
    Did you try that with the plugins above disabled? (that way we’d know if there’s a plugin conflict)

    Thread Starter jodani



    No – I do not use any URL encryption.

    What I have done is to test after disabling the following plugins:

    • Speed of light
    • Hide my WP
    • IP2 location country blocker
    • MM maintenance redirect

    Even with all these plugins deactivated, I still get a PAGE NOT FOUND when clicking on a document – after having selected to use PRETTY URLs (i.e. /test123/…) and clearing any browser cache.

    Any fix would be appreciated.

    Plugin Author dFactory


    Another try:
    Resave your permalinks settings.

    As I understand when pretty URLs are disabled everything works fine?
    And there is no page of the slug identical to your DA slug setting? (for example when you have a DA slug set “download” you can’t have a page “Download” – it will result in a conflict and 404)

    Thread Starter jodani


    My permalinks are set to POST NAME. I re-saved the page, but it did not make any difference. If I disable Pretty URLs, then the documents generate a link like the one below – which works fine.


    Yes – I can confirm that there is no page with “test123” anywhere. I also tested other slugs, and I still get “no such page” (with Pretty URL selected).

    The theme that I am using is GENERATE PRESS.

    Plugin Author dFactory


    Please try just released 1.2.19 – it should fix the issue.

    Thread Starter jodani



    Thanks for the fix. The PRETTY URLs feature now work properly.

    However – your fix has now broken the plugin somewhere else. The settings that I use are as follows:

    • I set the DISPLAY STYLE to LIST.
    • I set the USE CSS STYLE to ENABLE.

    When the documents are displayed the following happens:
    The list of documents appears as an UN-ORDERED LIST with a black dot appearing on the left. Below is what my list of documents looks like:

    • Document 1
    • Document 2
    • Document 3
    • Document 4

    The plugin (in the previous version) did not do this – and the display worked properly. Can you please fix.

    Thread Starter jodani


    The previous version displayed the list in the following fashion – which was great!

    The list did not have the black dot on the left
    The documents in the list were spaced vertically very nicely.

    Thread Starter jodani


    I tried using the DISPLAY STYLE = TABLE, and the following happens:

    The vertical spacing is correct, BUT

    • I need to make the lines of the table disappear (they are unnecessary)
    • I need to suppress the title on the column (e.g. FILES) – since this is also unnecessary.

    My list is very simple – I only display the ICON and the FILE NAME.

    Thread Starter jodani


    Hi guys

    Can you please let us know if the issues I raised above will be addressed. Would like to continue using your plugin….


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