Hi, I have been having this same issue for some time. Still haven’t managed to get it working right.
I have already posted this here on this forum , but the post has gone cold..
I have contacted my host and this was there response.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Quote <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Mod-rewrite is enabled. However, we utilize php-suexec, i believe that requires a slight mod with the wordpress code. You can post this additional info, and I am sure someone will pop in with the correct answer, if not let me know.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> End Quote <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
As much as I would like to have a pretty permalink using just the %postname% like Chanel. I hear everyone’s warnings not to do so, not that I have a clue of the consequences. But must be for good reason..
I just would like to see the ‘index’ part disappear, and be left with only /%post_id%/%postname%/
A little note here, in regards to Chanels comment:
Sidenote: My frustration is with responders who just redirect you to something on wordpress codex that you’ve already thoroughly read thru. If you’re unable to assist, just do not reply.
I will appreciate all advice, whether it gives the final outcome I am after or not. The fact that you are willing to assist me is always graciously appreciated. For that I thank you in advance.