• radgh


    The ability to create post types, taxonomies, custom fields and option pages all in one is pretty slick.

    But compared to VafPress (which sadly is now abandonware) and Advanced Custom Fields, this plugin has very few types of fields and only basic customization. Even the pro version.

    It lacks these fields in particular:

    • Taxonomy Select (a category itself)
    • Term Select (an item within a category)
    • Slider / Progress bar
    • Colorpicker (Colors from specific palette would be great)
    • Code editor textarea (with syntax highlighting, line numbers)
    • Advanced datepicker options (month, day, time, timestamp, etc)
    • Gallery images/upload – You can use a repeater of images to the same effect, but this is a hacky workaround when WordPress added support for multiple selections in the media uploader
    • Title/Text/Separator – Not a field which stores data, but necessary for large amounts of options. Many standard WordPress pages use these in between groups of fields.

    And for the fields it does have, there is a huge lack of customization options. And some customization options are very half-assed:

    • Editing options for a select menu uses a single-row text input with an odd “%Label%value” syntax. Even a multi-line textarea would be a huge improvement.
    • Editing a textarea’s default value cannot have linebreaks (same problem as above)
    • No conditional display of fields, eg: Hide “field-xxx” unless “checkbox-yyy” is enabled
    • Option fields still use metaboxes, so they don’t look like the settings page. This is good for repeaters / sorting, but ACF and VafPress have an option to display fields as “seamless” – like the Settings page.
    • Can’t set the # of rows for textareas, so every textarea is massive 5-rows.

    There’s a lot more about what this plugin doesn’t have in comparison to other plugins which are free (and have more features than WCK’s pro version, even when free). The main advantage here is that it’s an all-in-one and more consistent.

    If they continue to improve this plugin, it will be amazing.

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