Presto breaks my website
<p>Update after another three weeks:<br />I have moved the server to Cloudways/Digital Ocean with a much higher capacity. Everything is faster now … and Presto Player has started working again.</p><br /><p>It seems that Presto needs quite some resources. (It was one of the slowest applications on the website.</p><br /><p>?</p><br /><p>From now on, I have two fall-backs in case it happens again:</p></p>
- A well-organized Dropbox directory with clear names for the video files, including the notes to set up the lectures, and
- a good structure in – you can also use the HTML code for the video embed.
<p><p>?</p><br /><p>Presto player is outstanding… and I hope that it will also work in the future.</p><br /><p>?</p></p>
<p>Original message:</p>
<p><p>Presto Player is the only Plugin that does not work with WordPress 6.1.</p><br /><p><br />If you activate it, the website has a fatal error …<br />It is a very nice plugin, but the code is not professional. (it is not the first bug.)<br />.. so think twice before installing or buying the pro version.</p><br /><p><br />Update after three weeks:<br />The problem is still not resolved, so we are considering alternatives.?<br /><br /></p>
<p><br /><p>P.S. What would make me give PrestoPlayer 4 stars?</p></p>-
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- ?
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- Test the Plugin for the current WordPress version. (as of 1/09/23, WordPress 6.1 is still not officially tested)
- Do not ask for SFTP credentials when doing support. I know that this insanity is common for WordPress. Still, it does not make things better if other Plugin-Authors do it.<br />To have no security risk, you need to duplicate the complete environment … and still, then, you have no data processing agreement according to GDPR.
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