• Resolved dynm


    Hi Fran?ois,

    In your faq, where you talk about:

    If a customer logon in PrestaShop, informations about the user is lost in WordPress

    Can you elaborate as to the patch? What line? How do you replace/patch it?

    My prestashop is in a subfolder of wordpress, and I’m not able to get access to the information. Thank you, I appreciate your assistance.



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  • Plugin Author aytechnet


    Hi dynm,

    You need to search in class/Cookie.php for the function call “setcookie” and to change the patch to ‘/’.

    Kind Regards,

    Thread Starter dynm


    Hi Fran?ois,

    Thanks for responding. Would you mind showing a patch of what that looks like? You had done it for this question:

    I can’t access my WordPress frontpage due to a redirection to the PrestaShop frontpage



    Plugin Author aytechnet



    Effectively, it is more easy to check :

    --- classes/Cookie.php.setcookie 2011-10-04 17:49:44.000000000 +0200
    +++ classes/Cookie.php  2011-11-16 08:37:22.000000000 +0100
    @@ -295,9 +295,9 @@
                    $time = time() - 1;
            if (PHP_VERSION_ID <= 50200) /* PHP version > 5.2.0 */
    -               return setcookie($this->_name, $content, $time, $this->_path, $this->_domain, 0);
    +               return setcookie($this->_name, $content, $time, '/' /* $this->_path */, $this->_domain, 0);
    -               return setcookie($this->_name, $content, $time, $this->_path, $this->_domain, 0, true);
    +               return setcookie($this->_name, $content, $time, '/' /* $this->_path */, $this->_domain, 0, true);

    Is it ok like that ?

    You may have to replace $this->_domain by '.mywebsite.com' to get a cookie for all subdomains of mywebsite.com too.

    Plugin Author aytechnet


    Please do not forget to mark it resolved if this is the case !

    Thread Starter dynm


    Yes, thank you! I’m still working on the implementation. I should resolve this case shortly.

    Plugin Author aytechnet


    Hi, is it ok now for you ? Can you update this thread please ?


    Thread Starter dynm


    Sorry, I was away. Thanks for being patient!

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