Okay, here’s a workaround.
Step 1: You need your old bookmarklet back. You can create it yourself, copy and paste from here:
javascript:var d=document,w=window,e=w.getSelection,k=d.getSelection,x=d.selection,s=(e?e():(k)?k():(x?x.createRange().text:0)),f='https://www.YOURWEBSITEHERE.com/wp-admin/press-this.php',l=d.location,e=encodeURIComponent,u=f+'?u='+e(l.href)+'&t='+e(d.title)+'&s='+e(s)+'&v=4';a=function(){if(!w.open(u,'t','toolbar=0,resizable=1,scrollbars=1,status=1,width=720,height=570'))l.href=u;};if (/Firefox/.test(navigator.userAgent)) setTimeout(a, 0); else a();void(0)
Yeah, that’s ugly. Note the YOURWEBSITEHERE part.
Step 2: Go find class-wp-press-this-plugin.php, and comment out lines 1197-1208. That;’s a big if statement
/*if ( empty( $_GET['_wpnonce'] ) || ! wp_verify_nonce( $_GET['_wpnonce'], 'scan-site' ) ) {
foreach ( array( 'u', 's', 't', 'v', '_meta', '_links', '_images', '_embeds' ) as $key ) {
if ( ! empty( $_REQUEST[ $key ] ) ) {
<div class="error"><p>
<?php _e( 'The WordPress bookmarklet was deprecated. Please delete it from your web browser.', 'press-this' ); ?>
Works for me.