• Hi,
    I’ve looked hi and low for a “press this” plugin or code that can add information like links and text to a custom post type. The two most promising results have been:
    1) https://wordpress.mfields.org/2010/bookmark-this/
    2) Press This Custom Post Types

    1) the first code logs me off of my site, I’m guessing for some security reason…
    2) the second written by the almighty scribu ?? seems to be outdated. That code only works if i change:

    $link = str_replace('post-new.php', "post-new.php?post_type=$post_type", $link);


    $link = str_replace('press-this.php', "post-new.php?post_type=$post_type", $link);

    which bypasses all of the press this functionality completely.

    Is there anyone who has figured this out, or knows why this is such a limited feature?

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  • I would like this too. Haven’t had time to delve into the above solutions yet. I manage a community event calendar and frequently copy and paste event information from other web sites and Facebook into Events Manager posts. This functionality would make my work a lot easier.



    I’d loive that too

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