• Hi,

    I’ve read the complete post regarding Canvas WooTheme. I’ve set these settings :

    #content #main
    .woo-pagination a.next

    But I can’t find the place to set this, as my theme is not a Wootheme, but working with the Woocommerce Extention

    – open your wordpress admin panel
    – go in the woothemes Theme Options
    – under the Display Options of the Canvas Theme, select “Next/Previous” as Pagination style.

    Can’t make the plugin work. Any clue?


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  • Those are Canvas theme settings nothing to do with woocommerce. Are you trying to get them on your site’s blog posts or the woocommerce products?

    You need to check your themes css selectors, the way I did this for woocommerce was to go to one of the categroy pages that you want the finite scrolling on. Then inspect the page either using element inspector in chrome (right click or press f12) or using firebug in firefox.

    The first selector should be for the content area of the page.
    The second one is the selector on container div of the pagination or prev/next links.
    The third one is the selector on the next link itself.
    The last one is the selector for the container of a product rather than a post, I think this is standard for woocommerce and would be: ul.products li.product

    If you are still stuck after trying various combos (it took me a few tries to get it working, especially the first content selector, then post a link to your site and I’ll see if I can help.

    Thanks @jon-b That helped me out greatly!

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