• GMT: 21.47pm 02/12/2007

    Hi There

    The Presentation Link is not working since August 2007 I have been trying for someone to “Get it in Order”.

    When I click on it, I just get a blank page.

    Could some one kindly help me out please. I am a newbie and don’t know anything about these things.

    A quick solution to my problem will be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you and my best wishes.


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  • Thread Starter allerelli123


    Hi there

    Can some one please be kind enough to help me with my presentation link ? I have posted so many times in here for help for the P/Link. There must be some in here that know about these things.
    If it helps my url is https://www.cookingrecipeforyou.com — I have been so patient and it is driving me crazy. I would like to insert a blogrush and I have other insertions too. Please,Please help me someone!!!

    lots of good wishes


    <meta name=”generator” content=”WordPress 2.2″ /> <!– leave this for stats please –>

    UPGRADE your wordpress.



    Go back to your upgrade files and copy the file:

    to your \wp-admin\ directory.

    I had the same problem, even with a current upgrade.

    Good luck!


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