PreSale -SyncStock compatibility and Fix value
Hi Mewz Team,
Its been a while i’am looking for such plugin, thanks for it.
After reading the documentation i have 2 questions left
- I sell variable products like your Tea exemple. Inventory is set in grammes, and i sell different sizes bags.
- My woocommerce stock is synchronized with the physical shop using SKU. Woocommerce sales are sent to physical POS that update the global stock of the proper weight. Then the POS updates woocommerce inventory.
- I want to use your plugin over-purchasing function, for exemple to prevent Woocommerce to sell the variation “50g bag” if my product inventory is 10. However, Attribute Stock seems not to be directly linked to the SKU corresponding inventory. Will both inventory and Attribute Stock be correctly updated ?
Second :
- As in your Tea exemples, your plugin perftecly debites 25,50 or 100g weight from the stock.
- However, i have undreds of independant variables products based on the same weight attribute system. I could set them in bulk using export and import, but in the future, i will have to create new “Attribute Stock” for every new product in the catalog.
-> Is there a way to set a fix value per attribute ? So that weight attribute 50g will always correspond to 50 units no matter of the product ? Every product using this attribute/variation would automaticaly use this setting. Would be so convenient and time saving !
Thanks a lot for your Time
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