Thank you for reaching out.
If you want to share your content in Facebook groups, I would recommend using the Premium Pro version of Blog2Social since they’re not included in the Premium Smart one. The Premium Pro version supports 5 social media connections per network which means, for example, 5 Facebook groups, 5 Instagram accounts etc.
Here you will find all features and supported networks of the different versions of Blog2Social:
Do you want to share your posts in your own Facebook group or in a group that you are a member of?
Please note that it’s necessary to add the Blog2Social app on Facebook to the specific group you want to post to. You can do this as admin of the Facebook group. If you want to post to a group you are a member of, please ask your group administrator to add the Blog2Social app to the group settings. ???????The following guide shows you exactly:
How do I add the Blog2Social app to Facebook groups on Facebook?
In addition, these guides show you.
How do I auto-post and auto-schedule my own blog posts on social media?
How do I auto-post imported or created blog posts from other plugins on Social Media?
Please let me know if you have further questions.