• Resolved covertnine


    I purchased the premium plugin and am attempting to use the drag and drop product page template and it looks terrible and unformatted no matter what I try to do.

    I have set the product option to use a custom page on the large screen only, and yet the page layout itself doesn’t resemble what I have in the WordPress admin and it looks awful. The only thing that seems to work is using the tabbed product page layout.

    Why doesn’t the drag and drop product template work or look good? Is there some theme specifics I need to abide by? I see no mention of that in the documentation.

    Page is here

    Screen shot of what it should look like laid out is here

    You can see that I have the additional images to the right of the main product image with the catgories, tags, and subcategories on the left column, and for some reason those lay out across the top for some reason and additional images are on the left of the product image and they’re clearly on the right with the drag and drop template.

    Starting to get buyer’s remorse for this plugin as it appears to not have been tested very thoroughly…


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  • Thread Starter covertnine


    Here’s a screen shot of what the drag/drop template should look like in the backend and here’s what is actually showing up.

    (I reset the site to use tabbed products layout for now so that link above will look different)

    The drag and drop product page part of the plugin is completely broken as far as I’m concerned unless there’s something that needs to be done with that page template to make it work properly but there’s no documentation saying so anywhere that I can see.

    Plugin Author Rustaurius


    Hi ttoomey,

    Thanks for the screenshots. Would it be possible for you to post a linked version though? It’s impossible to tell what might be going wrong from a screenshot, as it could be dozens of things. For example, the width of the page container in your theme might be smaller than the width of the layout you’ve created, causing the product page contents to scramble.

    In general, we’d recommend the tabbed layout. It has a lot of nice features that aren’t possible with the custom layout, such as a responsive design which fits whatever screen size your visitors are using, the option to include product reviews, contact form, etc.

    Thread Starter covertnine


    I ended up going with a modified version of the tabbed layout instead and using my own CSS to make it work properly.

    Can’t send a link because it’s a live client site that they’re reviewing so it can’t appear broken.

    Hi ttoomey,

    We would really like to assist you in this issue. We are glad you have found a way to satisfy your client as much as you can for the time being.

    If you would allow us to access the webpage by creating a new username for us, we would be glad to look through the issue with you and find a solution.

    You may e-mail us at : [email protected]

    Best regards,

    Thread Starter covertnine


    Sent you an email from [email protected]

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