It seems like for the moment WP Rocket is your best bet here. Even when te crawler is enabled, WP Rocket is far better in maintaining pages in cache against LS Cache. For instance WP Rocket automatically preloads any changed (and purged) page whereas LS Cache is losing the cache until the crawler has crawled the whole site again.
That said: it probably has to do with the technical considerations too. WP Rocket seems far more reliable on serving cached content. Not sure why, but I’m seeing regular cache misses even when absolutely nothing on the site happens and TTL set at 1 week. WP Rocket serves content from cache until TTL expires when it will preload automatically again.
In theory, there is no need for a daily or hourly (or whatever interval) cron to crawl when all content is simply cached. There’s only need for a new crawl when specific pages get purged because of changes (and then only these pages need to be crawled) or expired TTL which can be a week or even more.
WP Rocket is far more superior on this prelod topic.
This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by