I found a jQuery code snippet I made for another user some time ago. This jQuery hides the closed matches:
// jQuery function to hide closed matches on the prediction form
jQuery( document ).ready( function() {
// iterate through all input forms
jQuery( 'table.matchinfo.input' ).each( function() {
var matchtype_row, matchdate_row;
var matchtype_closed = true, matchdate_closed = true;
// iterate through all the rows
jQuery( this ).find( 'tr' ).each( function() {
row = jQuery( this );
if ( row.hasClass( 'closed' ) ) {
matchdate_closed = true;
} else if ( row.hasClass( 'open' ) ) {
matchdate_closed = false;
matchtype_closed = false;
} else if ( row.find( 'td:first' ).hasClass( 'matchtype' ) ) {
if ( matchtype_closed && matchtype_row ) matchtype_row.hide();
matchtype_row = row;
matchtype_closed = true;
} else if ( row.find( 'td:first' ).hasClass( 'matchdate' ) ) {
if ( matchdate_closed && matchdate_row ) matchdate_row.hide();
matchdate_row = row;
matchdate_closed = true;
} );
if ( matchtype_closed && matchtype_row ) matchtype_row.hide();
if ( matchdate_closed && matchdate_row ) matchdate_row.hide();
} );
} );
As mentioned above, a more elegant approach will be possible in release v2.3.6. I’ll add an example in the help file for this release.