• Resolved whatafilm06


    Hello !

    I want to add some fields on the account page, like phone number, address, postal code, city..

    I have found this snippet : <?php?/**?* Add pre-defined fields to the main Account tab under the “E-mail Address” field.?* Add this code to the file functions.php in the active theme directory.?*/function?um_account_tab_general_fields(?$args,?$shortcode_args?) {?// Fields Meta Keys.?$args?.=?‘,birth_date’;?$args?.=?‘,country’;?$args?.=?‘,languages’;?return?$args;}add_filter(?‘um_account_tab_general_fields’,?‘um_account_tab_general_fields’,?10,?2?);

    And it works great for the phone number since it’s a predefined field on UM. But address, postal code and city are not predefined fields in UM, so I think I have to change some things in the snippet. (Of course, I used the same metas as my registration form)

    Thank you very much for your help

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