Hi Mac,
Do you have any programming experience – because I think this might be easy enough to achieve and perhaps in a way that will not break on the next update.
There is a “filter” option next to the field list – which hides a number of system meta fields – this list is probably ( I’ve not checked ) filterable via do_filter – if not, it should be!
If you also know how to write jQuery – you could probably change a click on the filter link to also select those fields and populate them over to the right hand side…
If this is not something that you can do – I’d say that while the idea is interesting – it’s not really essential to the plugin, so I can’t justify the time to write and test the addition just for you.
FYI – as noted on the plugin home page, we don’t really monitor nor generally answer question here – instead for feature request and bug reports, please use the WP Support Website.
Cheers ??