Pre-sales: How to create Gems Subscription?
I would like to support the following:
– Customer buys our own store currency (gems) via normal products
– We offer a subscription that is paid in gems
– Woocommerce subscription is set to cost 1 “gem” per dayI can see where I can create a simple and variable Gem product, so I can sell things for Gems, and I can see where I can create a subscription (from woocommerce), but I do not see how I can create a subscription that takes Gems as payment.
I am using the trial premium mode to see if plugin can do what I want.
Before we can help you further, we would need more information about what you are trying to achieve.
Depending on your answers, we could provide you some solution.
However, since your question is about PRO version features, you will need to use the integrated support tool..
Go to WooRewards → System → Support and send us a support request there.
Thank you for the quick reply. I’ve since deactivated the plugin so I cannot do the integrated support tool at thi stime.
My goal is to run a hosting service tied to a subscription. I would create a product that allows users to buy Gems (this is supported). Let’s call this a “point pack”.
The subscription list price is $1/day. So, if someone wants to run the service for one day, it will cost a whole dollar. However, I want them to not pay so much if they run it for a full month – for example, $15/mo instead of $30. So that’s a 50% discount.
Enter the points – a subscription that uses points as payment instead of dollars allows people to “fund their points” via normal Point-based product for $15 — ie, go to store, add 30 point pack to cart, check out and now they’ve paid $15 and they have 30 points in their point wallet.
Then, the subscription, instead of using dollars, would use points in order to pay for the subscription or renew. I configure the subscription cost to be
[1] point per [day]
instead of
[x] $ per [day]
With this set up, customer can set up a subscription and it starts consuming points for every day it’s online. If they cancel the subscription, it stops consuming points.
So, in WooRewards I can create the Gems (aka points), and I can create a Gem simple and Gem variable product (to handle the user “funding their points”), but I do not see where to add a Gem-based subscription. I want a subscription product that is paid via gems (points) instead of woocommerce store currency.
Does that make more sense?
All the features you’re talking about (gems products, wallet) are from our WooVirtualWallet plugin, not WooRewards (even if both plugins can be combined together).
So, what you’re asking can be achieved with WooVirtualWallet alone, but it doesn’t require to be on gems mode. It only requires a standard mode.
Here, the idea would be to first create your products :
The “Packs” which you set to be only purchasable with “real” money (credit cards, paypal …)
Here, in you example, you set a 15$ pack → This will give 30$ in wallet credit (let’s call that “wallet $”).Then, you set your hosting subscription product, which will be a normal subscription product. But you make this one only purchasable with wallet credit.
When customers purchase that subscription with their wallet (which, in standard mode, can be used to pay for subscriptions) they will lose 1 wallet $ every day until they don’t have enough.
The fact that you make “packs” products not buyable with wallet money will prevent customers from funding their wallet with real money and then use the wallet $ to fund their wallet indefinitely.
The only difference here is that you won’t be able to call the wallet currency “gems”. For the rest, it will work as you want.
Wow, thank you. I’m testing it out now and so far, everything you mentioned makes sense. I am able to create products to fund the wallet, and create a subscription that can use virtual funds only.
I don’t know if it’s a setting I’m missing or not, but when I tried to check out with a subscription, I get a message
Some items in your order must be paid with your Virtual Wallet.
I have the following set:
– global setting for only real money to be allowed
– subscription product override for only virtual money to be allowed on that product
– Wallet credit can’t be bought with the wallet
– Partial payment not enabled
– woovirtualWallet set up as payment gateway,a nd it’s enabled (enable virtual wallet payments)
– wallet option shows up on checkout with no other payment (expected)
– Allow subscription payment enabled: (Virtual money can be used for recurring payment with WooCommerce Subscription plugin.)
– Show balance enabled: (The payment method title includes the customer’s wallet balance.)I add the product to my cart, and I see the product, setup fee, subscription, recurring total and current balance. I click the ‘I have read adn agree to website” and click Sign up Now button but it shows the red error
Some items in your order must be paid with your Virtual Wallet
I can’t see what in the order might be causing that because only one item is in the cart, and it’s an item that requires virtual wallet. There’s only one payment option, and that’s the woovirtual wallet, which also shows a positive balance.
I tried it and you’re right, there is a problem in that specific configuration.
I already found the bug and fixed it. It works for me.
I will report this (the bug and the fix) to the dev team on Monday and they will release a fix ASAP.For future questions about this topic, please send a support request directly through the woovirtualwallet support window.
Thank you, and I look forward to fix. I was able to implement a workaround by applying a coupon good for the setup fee, and I was able to continue the order
I didn’t try a subscription without a setup fee; that might be a workaround as well.
Follow-up question:
Now that I’ve tested this several times with subscriptions (both WooCommerce and others) and various payment gateways/wallets (both yours and othes), I’ve run into one major downside that actually causes me to not pursue this option any more:
Each daily renewal creates a full WooCommerce order. This order triggers workflow, shows up in the user’s “order list” on My Account page, takes up database space and generally clutters up the system in a way not realized when I first was looking to find some sort of payment gateway that worked with Woocommerce Subscription renewals via points (or funds like in the wallet)
So, if you know of a way to accomplish the following with your plugin(s), I’d be very interested, and I would bet others would be as well.
The basic goal is to be able to run a point-funded subscription service where customers pre-purchase point packs, and the service is provided daily. Customers can start/stop the service, and as long as the service is active, it consumes points per day. However, the point decrement should integrate with point plugin and not create an order in WooCommerce.
– Customer can buy “point packs” (this is already achievable with several available plugins) where they spend actual dollars via existing payment gateways (stripe, paypal, etc) and “points” get deposited into “account”.
– Volume discount applies. One point for $1. 30 points for $15. 90 points for 30. 270 points for $75 This would be specified on Product settings
– Store has WooCommerce subscriptions installed (or similar subscription plugin)
– Store has some points plugin installedNeed:
– Ability to have a daily subscription defined in subscription plugin that has a daily renewal
– The renewal is funded through a definable point price. IE, “Basic Service” is 1 point per day. “Plus Service” might be 3 points per day. This would represent the “list price” and also the “maximum price” for the service.
– The act of renewing would NOT create an order in WooCommerce
– Instead, it integrates with the points plugin by creating a “remove funds” call of the points plugin. This call should use the point plugin’s published endpoint to decrement a point and add a reason, and the point plugin handles the “history” and audit aspect.
– For chart/refund/cancel, whatever the subscription plugin supports with common payment gateways should apply. This is already published by the subscription plugin documentationHello,
The problem here is that creating orders for subscriptions renewals is the way all subscriptions plugins work. So, as long as you use a subscriptions plugin for your service, it will generate orders on renewals, whatever the gateway you use.
At this point, is has really nothing to do with WooRewards or WoovirtualWallet. Moreover, it isn’t covered by the free plugins. So, this is against WordPress’s help forum policy to keep that discussion here.
You can choose to send us a support request through the plugins administration to see if it’s possible to come up with a solution. However, I would suggest contacting a developer which would develop you a specific plugin for that.
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