Great questions! I have placed my response below.
Can I create templates for certain customers that I have where they woulda did their name number etc?
Yes, our uDraw plug-in supports this.
In that template can I set a box as a place holder image where they would click and it will prompt them to upload their pic?
Yes, our uDraw plug-in supports this.
In the template can I just make a form with fields that they would fill out like name phone number etc and it would apply it to the design?
Yes. There are 2 ways to do this with our plug-in. The cheapest and easiest way to do this would be to use uDraw and create “labels” in HTML5 designer. The other way would be to do this on a PDF template using PDF forms. You can see 2 examples below:
HTML5 : https://www.rainbowprinting.ca/product/simple-labelled-card/
(FYI – this site is currently under re-design, so the uDraw is not set up properly and the link may not be active in a few days)
PDF : https://www.thepersonalizationco.com/shop/our-memories-so-far-canvas/
The HTML5 way is more intuitive and flexible. A lot easier to manage. The PDF method is a lot more sophisticated and harder to do. It requires training on our part which is why it is more expensive.
Let me know if I have answered your question or if you require further clarification.
Thanks! ??