Hi @henrietteklindt
I hope you’re well today!
You will need a combination of “pre-populate” field setting and “redirect” behavior of the form. Here’s how to do this:
1. Make sure that the select field in both forms have the very same set of options set (labels and values); make also sure that option values (values, not labels) in both fiels are all lowercase and not use any special characters and spaces/blanks; example of “bad” option value: Airport Number #1 and of “good” value: airport-number-1
2. on the second form (the one to which user is redirected) edit the select field and in its “Settings” section scroll down to “pre-populate” option; in the “Query parameter (optionl) field put word “airport”; apply settings, update the form and put it on the page; open the page in browser and copy its entire URL
3. edit the first form (the one from which user is redirected) and go to its “Behavior” settings; in “After submission” make sure that the behavior “Redirect user to a URL” is added and set the redirect URL as follows:
where your_page2_url is the URL of page with second form (as copied in step 2).
Then save this form and put it on the Page 1 and that’s pretty much it.
If you direct user to Page 1 they’ll submit the form and be redirected to Page 2; the redirect URL will have ?airport= var appended to it with select value and the select field on the second form will pick it up and automatically select relevant option.
Best regards,