• Resolved heiglandreas



    I’d like to prefix an included content of a page with the pages featured image. To do so I’d need a filter for the content right before it is inserted into the current page.

    I had a look at the code and created a patch that would allow that to be achieved:

    --- insert-pages.php	2015-12-15 15:51:11.000000000 +0100
    +++ ../insert-pages2/insert-pages.php	2015-12-15 14:38:09.000000000 +0100
    @@ -106,14 +106,12 @@
     		// Shortcode hook: Replace the [insert ...] shortcode with the inserted page's content
     		function insertPages_handleShortcode_insert( $atts, $content = null ) {
     			global $wp_query, $post, $wp_current_filter;
    -			$shortcode_attributes = shortcode_atts( array(
    +			extract( shortcode_atts( array(
     				'page' => '0',
     				'display' => 'all',
     				'class' => '',
     				'inline' => false,
    -			), $atts );
    -			extract($shortcode_attributes);
    +			), $atts ) );
     			// Get options set in WordPress dashboard (Settings > Insert Pages).
     			$options = get_option( 'wpip_settings' );
    @@ -276,22 +274,12 @@
    -			$shortcode_attributes['wrapper'] = $should_use_inline_wrapper ? 'span' : 'div';
    -			$content = apply_filters('insert_pages_wrap_content', $content, $shortcode_attributes);
    +			$wrapper_tag = $should_use_inline_wrapper ? 'span' : 'div';
    +			$content = "<$wrapper_tag data-post-id='$page' class='insert-page insert-page-$page $class'>$content</$wrapper_tag>";
     			return $content;
     			//return do_shortcode($content); // careful: watch for infinite loops with nested inserts
    -		public function wrapContentIntoSpan($content, $attributes) {
    -			return sprintf(
    -				'<%4$s data-post-id="%2$s" class="insert-page insert-page-%2$s %3$s">%1$s</%4$s>',
    -				$content,
    -				$attributes['page'],
    -				$attributes['class'],
    -				$attributes['wrapper']
    -			);
    -		}
     		// Filter hook: Add a button to the TinyMCE toolbar for our insert page tool
     		function insertPages_handleFilter_mceButtons( $buttons ) {
    @@ -543,5 +531,4 @@
     	add_action( 'before_wp_tiny_mce', array( $insertPages_plugin, 'insertPages_wp_tinymce_dialog' ), 1 ); // Preload TinyMCE popup
     	add_action( 'wp_ajax_insertpage', array( $insertPages_plugin, 'insertPages_insert_page_callback' ) ); // Populate page search in TinyMCE button popup in this ajax call
     	add_action( 'admin_print_footer_scripts', array( $insertPages_plugin, 'insertPages_add_quicktags' ) );
    -	add_filter('insert_pages_wrap_content', array($insertPages_plugin, 'wrapContentIntoSpan'), 10, 2);

    That way one can add a filter to adapt the content to their liking.

    It would f.i. also be possible to use that filter to allow nested shortcodes using the following:

    add_filter('insert_pages_wrap_content', function($content){
        return do_shortcode($content);
    }, 9, 1);

    Any chance to get that into one of the future versions of the plugin?

    Thanks and Cheers


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  • Plugin Author Paul Ryan


    Thanks for the pull request! This feature will be included in the next release:

    For reference, an example of using the function to allow nested shortcodes:

     * Filter the markup generated for the inserted page.
     * @param string $wrapper_tag The html element to wrap the content in (typically div or span).
     * @param string $extra_classes Space-delimited list of classes to add to the wrapper element.
     * @param int $post_id The ID of the inserted page.
     * @param string $content The post content of the inserted page.
    function your_custom_wrapper_function( $wrapper_tag, $extra_classes, $post_id, $content ) {
        return do_shortcode( $content );
    add_filter( 'insert_pages_wrap_content', 'your_custom_wrapper_function', 9, 4 );
    Plugin Author Paul Ryan


    Version 2.9 is released with this change. Thanks!

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