• Resolved quirkymaz


    Sorry if this is already covered somewhere, I’m sure it is but I can’t seem to find it.

    Is it possible for a theme to pre-create some custom controls for this plugin? e.g. if I wanted to set a theme up so the EGF plugin has a custom control of “.site-title” ready to use. This would be super handy for users on our project.



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  • Same question here, please let me know if you find something.

    Obviously this isn’t the answer to your question, but maybe a reasonable 2nd choice. You can use the built-in WP export/import functionality to move the settings from site to site. Much easier than recreating by hand.

    Thread Starter quirkymaz


    Thanks MarcGuay, that may be useful as a fallback for us. I did not realise you could export/import the settings.

    I’m still hoping this can be done via functions/plugin though. I spent some time looking at the hooks/filters but haven’t had any luck yet. I’ll post here if I’m able to make any progress.

    Hopefully the devs of EGF will have a good solution ??

    Plugin Author Sunny Johal


    Hi MarcGuay and quirkymaz,
    Brace yourself this is going to be a long post! So in order to integrate this into your theme you probably would want to:

    • De-register any default controls in the plugin
    • Create your own font controls
    • Group these font controls together

    So to do this you would need to hook into the appropiate actions and filters to:

    • Create a new tab/section to the typography panel (by hooking into the ‘tt_font_get_settings_page_tabs’ filter).
    • Create a new font control and add it to that tab/section (by hooking into the ‘tt_font_get_option_parameters’ filter).

    So here is a code example for you:

     * How to add a new tab
     * This function shows you how to add a new
     * tab/section to the typography panel in the
     * customizer.
     * @param   array $tabs - Existing Tabs.
     * @return  array $tabs - Tabs with new tabs added.
     * @since 1.0
     * @version 1.0
    function custom_theme_add_tab_to_panel( $tabs ) {
        // Do this for each tab you want to create.
        // Make sure the array index matches the
        // 'name' array property.
        $tabs['theme-header'] = array(
            'name'        => 'theme-header',
            'panel'       => 'tt_font_typography_panel',
            'title'       => 'Custom Header Panel',
            'description' => 'This description will appear in the customizer. Use it to display a helpful message',
            'sections'    => array(),
        // Return the tabs.
        return $tabs;
    add_filter( 'tt_font_get_settings_page_tabs', 'custom_theme_add_tab_to_panel' );
     * How to add a font control to your tab
     * @see  parse_font_control_array() - in class EGF_Register_Options
     *       in includes/class-egf-register-options.php to see the full
     *       properties you can add for each font control.
     * @param   array $controls - Existing Controls.
     * @return  array $controls - Controls with controls added/removed.
     * @since 1.0
     * @version 1.0
    function custom_theme_add_control_to_tab( $controls ) {
         * 1. Here is an example on how to unset
         *    the defaults controls. comment or
         *    uncomment as necessary.
        unset( $controls['tt_default_body'] );
        unset( $controls['tt_default_heading_1'] );
        unset( $controls['tt_default_heading_2'] );
        unset( $controls['tt_default_heading_3'] );
        // unset( $controls['tt_default_heading_4'] );
        // unset( $controls['tt_default_heading_5'] );
        // unset( $controls['tt_default_heading_6'] );
         * 2. Here is a small example on registering
         *    a font control to the theme's header tab.
         *    Again, make sure the array index matches
         *    the 'name' array property for this control.
         *    Rememeber each index in this array must be
         *    unique.
        $controls['theme_h1_control'] = array(
            'name'       => 'theme_h1_control',
            'title'      => 'Custom H1 Control',
            'tab'        => 'theme-header',
            'properties' => array(
                    'selector'   => '.entry h1',
                    'font_color' => '#FF0066',
                    'font_size'  => array( 'amount' => 32, 'unit' => 'px' ),
        // Return the controls.
        return $controls;
    add_filter( 'tt_font_get_option_parameters', 'custom_theme_add_control_to_tab' );

    Please Note: These kind of requests are normally outside the support I would provide, but I thought I’d give you guys a hand. Let me know how you get on. Cheers


    Thread Starter quirkymaz


    Sunny! Thank you so much!

    I’ll have a play around with this over the next few days and report back ??

    Thread Starter quirkymaz


    …ok it was too tempting to drop what I was doing and try this out straight away. It works perfectly Sunny, exactly what I needed. I’ve been able to add our default fonts options for users and haven’t come across any issues.

    Again, thank you so much!

    Plugin Author Sunny Johal


    Glad I could help! Also if you could rate this plugin when you get a moment that would be great. Cheers


    Thread Starter quirkymaz


    No problem Sunny, already did that straight after trying this out ??

    Thanks a lot Sunny! Are the font_color and font_size control properties supposed to be setting defaults? I don’t see any effect with or without them. (Just curious, I don’t need default settings.)

    After looking at a var_dump of an existing selector I see that those properties would have to be inside of the “default” index like so:

    $controls['theme_h1_control'] = array(
            'name'       => 'theme_h1_control',
            'title'      => 'Custom H1 Control',
            'tab'        => 'theme-header',
            'properties' => array(
                    'selector'   => '.entry h1'
             'default' => array(
                    'font_color' => '#FF0066',
                    'font_size'  => array( 'amount' => 32, 'unit' => 'px' ),
    Plugin Author Sunny Johal


    Hi MarcGuay,
    Good catch! Apologies for that mistake, you are 100% right on that (I wrote that code freehand). To get an idea of what you can use as properties and default values take a look at the parse_font_control_array() static function in the file: class-egf-register-options.php (around line 536)



    Dear Mr. Johal:

    I have read this support thread with great interest, particularly your post on “How to add a new tab” and Mr. MarcGuay’s contribution. Although it has been said before, the code works flawlessly. Thanks a bunch for this and for your generosity.

    I would like to abuse your generosity more, but will understand if you can not help me with the following:

    1. I was able to build several font controls for my 2016 child theme. However, when I expand a font control, there’s no way to collapse it; you have to crash the customizer.

    2. Instead of hard-coding a font size, I would like to have a way to create a slider for the control.

    3. Except for the font drop down and the slider, I would like to eliminate the other options that appear.

    Once again, any guidance is appreciated. Thanks and the best for you and yours.

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