• While there are other SMTP plugins out there, this is a great option if you want something well-written, intuitive and comprehensive. Small features like auto-testing your configuration and the option to send test emails on demand definitely make it worthwhile.

    While this plugin will work for any POP3 or IMAP account, this is also a great option for those who:

    • use Microsoft Office 360 (Outlook)
    • want to connect a POP3 or IMAP email that is hosted on a different server OTHER than the hosting account
    • purchased domain names or Deluxe/Ultimate shared hosting through tone3.net or GoDaddy and have trouble sending out emails.

    The free version is pretty comprehensive out-of-box, but paying just a couple of dollars for premium versions will unlock useful features if you need a few more bells and whistles.

    This is definitely worth the download and install.

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