• Resolved kareneAZ


    Anyway to remove the “stones” measure and display “pounds” only? Building a health site for US only and would like to use this plugin (it’s almost exactly what I need). Site is currently (temporarily) here: https://tsmsites.com/crusade

    I’m also experiencing the same display issue when using the shortcodes in a widget that Alex described in an earlier string:
    “it shows the result first at the very beginning of “content” along with a closing tag (something like >-15kg before the 1st paragraph, when the difference is -15); then it display again normally where the shortcode is inserted.”

    Overall great plugin. Easy-to-use. Couple minor mods and it’s just what I need! Thanks for developing it.


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  • Plugin Author YeKen


    Hi there,

    Thanks for your comments…. Yes, there is a bug with the tags. Oops! There will be a release this week to correct that.

    As for just pounds, err, I never planned to do it. The graph already does it just in pounds (easier to plot), but the rest is a big tweak to the code I’m afraid. I may put it on the to do list, but I’ve limited time ?? Bribes accepted ha.

    Plugin Author YeKen


    Oh, please rate the plugin ??

    Thread Starter kareneAZ


    Thanks for your quick reply! I’ll look for the release/bug fix. I appreciate you considering a pounds-only option for a future release. Yes, I’ll rate it now.

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