• No one has answered my first post, now buried, so re-posting:

    Getting “Posts Not Found Sorry, no posts matched your criteria” when you try to post a comment. Also the Comment section in the Dashboard shows no comments at all even though Akistmet claims to have filtered about 20 posts. This blog was moved recently from a sub directory to the root folder. I used the “Velvet Blues Update URLs” plugin and that appeared to change all the URLS rather nicely. (Then deactivated it) No broken links or images. I don’t know if this started happening after that move but I have a feeling that it did. (My client’s blog)

    I have tried re-setting the permalinks. When I go back to the default I just get a blank page when I submit a comment. *NEW RE: permalinks: When I had them set to “Month and Name” they only showed the name in the URL. I ended up making a custom one just for “Name” to match what was being put out. (this is after all this started)

    Other Plugins in use:
    Contact Form 7
    Google Analytics for WordPress
    Page Links To
    WordPress Database Backup

    (I have deactivated all of the above and re-tested with no improvement.)

    Blog URL:


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