I have done as you requested. I think it will be useful for you to understand the setup for the emailed posts. We have a tech support email address, let’s call it [email protected]. This is a forwarding email address and every email sent to it is forwarded to all addresses on a list. I wanted to capture these emails in a archive, so I created a normal email address, call it [email protected] and placed it on the list of forwarded addresses associated with [email protected]. Postie is set up to get the emails sent to [email protected] and create a post for each email. The default category is techsupport.
This works when I send an email to [email protected] (I am listed as the default poster and “Allow anyone to post via email” is set you yes). However, when someone else posts to [email protected] or someone replies to an email sent to [email protected], the email is gathered by Postie, but categorized as Uncategorized. This happens even when I respond to an email sent to [email protected]
I have the zip file of the log, but I don’t know how to attach a file to a message on the forum (particularly, this message). Or is there some other way of sending the file to you?