• I’m sorry to ask this kind of stupid-newbie question, I wrote an empty page on the pages section on WP, How do I write a new post and make it appear on that page?

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  • kappesante


    ok. definitely doest work. now i try to be more careful:

    i got a category, called DESK, that have to be shown only in the desk page. i have created a desk template, coping the main one, adding the code according to your post, but in the dsk page i got only one post, called desk (permalink go to desk page) with nothing wrote. also, if i delete the query post code, nothing is listed..



    ok. made a category A. made subcategories A1 A2. made link to categosy mother A. in that page, only Ax are listed. but developers here have to improve the possibility to decide in wich page a post hve to be listed. all for me.

    Shame on me ??
    Please replace the argument in the query with cat=2 and cat=-2
    That is, with your respective cat id.

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