Recently, there is an increasing number of posts related to this problem. Sometimes, it is not easy to interpret the intent of the poster.
The original reason to introduce “Page” into WordPress was to have a “static” page that is out of the chronology.
Chronology is a base concept of blogging.
It is simple. You write about your daily whatever and if you want something to stick, you write page that will not sroll out but stays.
But real life is another thing and there seems to be arise a spontaneous request to utitize this page thingy in a more flexible way.
There are several ways to trick the page to behave as your whim dictate it but it requires some tinkering and coding experience that many have not. Now, there are some questions.
Well, confining myself to the exact problem, it seems to me, that pages default to the “uncategorized”.
It would perhaps be a good thing to have the possibility to choose category for a page, as well. Then, you can play with including/excluding certain entries in posts and pages.
I hope, that I have interpreted the problem truly, myself ??