• I have been looking everywhere for a plugin that I can install to display the number of posts in the last day, hour or month no the front page.

    I dont want to display the posts itself i want to display something like:

    50posts in the last day

    Can anyone help me here ?

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  • There’s probably a better way.

    function last_day($days){
     $num = mysql_result(mysql_query('SELECT count(*) FROM wp_posts WHERE unix_timestamp(post_date) > unix_timestamp(NOW()) - (86400*'.$days.')'), 0);
     echo $num." posts in the last ".$days." days.";


    <li><?php last_day(1);//posts made between now and 1 day  ago ?></li>
    <li><?php last_day(30);//..................... and 30 days ago ?></li>

    Kinda tested.

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