I’ve set up WordPress multi-site and some of the users aren’t able to add html/embed code into post/pages. When they try to save, it doesn’t take (one has said he’s using Chrome).
I just set up a site and network (3.0) and just got to starting the first network blog created for myself and for testing purposes . . .
am no expert but guess the use of tags is restricted on network blogs to simple ones like <a href and some others for security reasons and well I guess that makes sense . . .
although I was shocked at first when it seemed that me and future other users would not be able to for example embed a youtube clip . . . <object embed code completely gone after saving a post but as for this I found an even easier way to include youtube clips . . .
copy and paste the link to the youtube clip page . . .
and that’s it . . . no need to even define it as a link just copy and paste it as regular text via visual or html post editor to the place in the post where you want the clip to show up – downside of it is that users can’t define the display dimensions of the clip . . . only tried out one theme yet where the default clip dimensions the ‘system’ seems to chose are okay with the layout of the theme . . .
(I think there’s some setting in the main admin about “always try to convert links” or something so maybe this needs to be switched on for the above to work but I think it is switched on by default so this should work and at least for me as a newbie this solved a problem so I mentioned it as for youtube clips)
after fooling around with dolphin 7 and almost dropping the whole community aspect for my site I am so completely thankful for wordpress 3 with multisite integration since it well just seems to work . . . so I am also eager to learn the terms . . .
. . . even the automatic update to 3.0.1 I did an hour ago seems to have worked the site shows up just like before . . .
I think that one still has some restrictions. You definitely shouldn’t let any ol’ person sign up and start popping in any script they want. if you’re on a closed signup situation with trusted users, then yeah. Go ahead & unfilter.
Just seems silly admins for subsites only can’t embed.
Until you realize that if you have a site with open registration, then anyone can come along and embed a script to do something silly like drop tables.