• I’m thinking about switching from blogger to wordpress, however, to make the swith as easy as possible, I’d like to post to the same url as I currently do in blogger. At the moment, my blog’s url is https://www.gospelrhys.co.uk/blog.html Is there any way of specifying the “blog.html” part of the URL that WordPress publishes to, as I want that to be the index page.

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  • Sure…

    but it would be easier to automatically redirect your users to your WP index.php page.

    All this is done by creating a custom .htaccess file. Google for details. I can’t give you a receipe that will work for you since to my experience the syntax depends of the software you host is running.

    If still you have problems post back we’ll give you some details.

    I agree, doing a redirect is so much simpler and in the long run will be much less hassle that trying to maintain Blogger’s structure.

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