• I have a blog where evrything is running correctly.
    I had initially hosted this blog on a free server when I signed up for Disquis. The email addy I used to initially get my Disquis and the twitter Name I used are different now than when I first signed up.
    Now, everytime I post a comment it used my other twitter name and my first email address. How to I change it so it uses the twitter name I created for my new com and my new email address?
    When I try to change it in the profile, it tells me this email address is already in use, do you have another one? But, it shows my old email, even if I back it out and put the new one in. YES, I merged them when I first transferred my site to the new domain. I have done something wrong somewhere obviously, but I have no idea where to go from here to fix it.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated. In the advanced options, I have the twitter name I would like to use, my api key for it etc, but it still keeps using the first twitter name.

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