• emrich6pine


    I apologize if this has already been answered, but I searched and searched and couldn’t find the answer. I would like to have specific posts be posted only in their categories but not on the heading (or main) page. How do I do this?
    Thank you for any help or advice. I’m new to the whole blog thing, and the tech savvy I thought I had, apparently I don’t!

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  • MichaelH


    A similar subject, “Manage Posts; restrict to one category”, has been reported in Trac and there’s a patch attached:


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    I suppose you post in a special category by selecting that category when you publish your post.
    Normally the latest posts form every category is presented on the main page.
    To avoid this behaviour for a certain category, is rather simple, but requires a small edit in your main index.php file, in The Loop running the show.

    From your Dashboard Manage/Categories, get the number of the category you want to hide.
    Say the category number for you hidden-cat is 4.

    Right below the line reading ( may differ a bit between different themes )

    <?php if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>

    You add the code to filter out posts from hidden-cat:
    <?php if ( !(in_category('4')) || !is_home() ) { ?>

    Leave the rest as it is.

    Interpretation in plain English:
    If the current post is not in category 4 and or if it is not the index page, write the post.

    Conclusion: Posts in your hidden-cat ( or whatever you name it ) will only be visible on the category page for that category.



    I did try this example above, but I was getting a parse error. Are there any other options?

    Thread Starter emrich6pine


    The information so far is partially helpful. Both the ideas seem as though they might work, however, I am unsure how to get to my theme’s format to be able to add either of the patches. How do I get into this to add stuff?
    Thanks so much!



    @childrenfitness The parse error maybe occurs of a missing ‘}’ after your ‘<?php if’



    Please explain. I thought I cut and pasted it as above. How should it look?



    That worked for me with… (thought my explanation isn’t hard to understand)

    <?php } if ( !(in_category(‘4’)) || !is_home() ) { ?>



    How would you recommend multiple catogories.

    I have catogory 1 and 11 I would like to hide.




    Just tried it. Did not work. Gave me a parse error.

    I used a plugin called “solvent“. Worked like a charm. You just ticked a box when you wrote the post.

    Dunno if it works with 2.0 though.



    <?php } if ( !(in_category('4')) || !is_home() ) { ?>

    not working for me either ….

    Feedback on solvent says it doesn’t work for 2.0.



    Can you fill me in a little more on Solvent. The web page seems outdated, and states it probably won’t work in WP 2.0. It also does not give directions on how to use. Can you help?

    Thread Starter emrich6pine


    Thanks for the help. But how do I upload the plugin? Everything I’ve found so far just tells me to upload it or drop it in my plugin management page, but I can’t figure out how to do that.



    I am new to this, but I just put it in my plug in folder in WP, then on my admin page, clicked on the plugin link where I could activate it. The problem, it does not work with WP 2.0. I hope someone out there who knows there stuff can figure this out for us.

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