Yes it takes only text. You have some different issues here and I don’t have any out of the box solutions, but a few ideas.
1. You want to have images in your posts
That means they have to be uploaded to some web server directory. Once they are you can insert them with an ′<img` tag into your post. You would have to use an FTP client or the WordPress built in uploader.
2. You want to use an email client.
This probably mean that you want to be able to use any computer or mobile device to post to your blog.
If you only need to do this from computers desktop or laptops, you could use a USB storage and have your normal FTP, mail client and/or browser on that device.
That way you can use FTP to upload your images or go directly to your blog’s admin interface.
3. “I really need a way to update all my blogs at once with one post…“
If I understand this correctly, you want that one post published on more than one blog. This probably means that when you publish on one main blog, the post is replicated to other blogs of yours. I guess this can be done by the secondary blogs subscribing to the main blog’s feeds and publishing what ever new comes in.
Maybe this lengthy guesswork can give you some ideas on what to search for.