• So a friend I met over a forum made me a website using wordpress and everything was running great for the first week or so. (I’ve had for about 2 weeks) Everything loaded quickly and i could quickly upload photos to my gallery and insert them into posts. Now when I log in and try to edit I first see all the coding in the visual tab and have to wait about 5mins for the visual sectiojn to load then when it loads i try to insert a picture at the bottom and it takes another 5-10mins for the gallery to load and another 5 for the pictures to show and then when i click insert into post it acts as if it’s inserted but nothing appears there. It never used to do this and I don’t know why it does this. I have NO plugins whatsowever and my website is pretty bare only some text like 2 short videos and about 15pictures are on it so I know it’s not a bandwith problem or anything. Also the guyt who made the website hasn’t been on in a week so he can’t help me and I don’t know any scripting or codes for the most part so consider me a noob when you’re giving me any tips! please and thank you!
    Here’s the website by the way if you need it.


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  • Thread Starter liltomrollsrazor


    okay i did that now it says about 600 files in succesful transfers how to i add them to the remote site thing where the old directories were?

    From the folder you deleted them from in step #3, you take the folders from your local computer and upload them to the same directory you deleted the old ones from your web server.

    What files did you upload to your web directory just now?

    Thread Starter liltomrollsrazor


    i dragged the new wp-includes and wp-admin folders from my desktop to my directories in file zilla and it said they all successfully transferred but now they are sitting in my transfer box. do i drag all 684 of them to the directories or can i drag just the top one that says my domain to it?

    Thread Starter liltomrollsrazor


    WAIT nvm I think it just needed to refresh because i see them now

    Thread Starter liltomrollsrazor


    now im up to this

    5. Upload the individual files from the new wp-content folder to your existing wp-content folder, overwriting existing files. Do NOT delete your existing wp-content folder. Do NOT delete any files or folders in your existing wp-content directory (except for the one being overwritten by new files).
    6. Upload all new loose files from the root directory of the new version to your existing wordpress root directory.

    Something still must not be in the right place because your site isn’t loading. Just upload the folders themselves into your web folder (the same directory that has wp-content). Before doing step 5, please make sure you have backed the wp-content folder up so your pictures and videos don’t get lost.

    I have to go for now but I’ll try to be back later if you don’t get this figured out.

    Thread Starter liltomrollsrazor


    i backed up everything and alright thanks.

    Thread Starter liltomrollsrazor


    i fixed it now the website loads up. doing step 5 and 6 now

    Thread Starter liltomrollsrazor


    all i need to know is how to step 6

    #6 loose files refers to all of the files in your main wordpress directory that are not folders. This is the same directory that you copied wp-includes and wp-admin into. These files include: index.php, license.txt, readme.html, wp-activate…

    Just copy these loose files from your wordpress download and upload them to your web directory. The wp-config.php file in your web host directory should not be overridden when copying the loose files. There isn’t a file to override it but I thought I would mention it.

    If this reinstall doesn’t work, it may be a problem with your web hosting service.

    Thread Starter liltomrollsrazor


    okay i just copied the loose files into my directory and went back to the editing page in my website and its still not working, I don’t see how my webhost could be affecting the wordpress site editor but you would no more then i would on this. I use the free version of 000webhost.com i could upgrade for $5.00 a month if this is thr problem but how would I be able to find out of this IS the problem because I don’t want to upgrade and have the same problem!

    Thread Starter liltomrollsrazor


    UPDATE: Apparantly if I wait the 5mins or so for everything to load it now lets me insert pictures into the post. I’d stilllike to see if I can fix the slow loading problem but if not it should be okay ill keep posted if it wont let me insert a picture into post again because it seems kinda sketchy right now.

    2nd Update: I put like 3 pictures into my post without a problem, updated the page and then when I tried to insert another picture into post it didn’t appear again. This website I think is trying to make me go insane. It let’s me insert into post whenever it want’s to..

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