• Resolved maxsuccess


    I have been using postie for months now

    without any glitch and seemed to be easy to
    set-up and use

    But the other day when I tried to post
    it came up with this error

    fetch_mail: IMAP – Could not connect to IMAP server imap.gmail.com on port 993. Array
    [0] => A0002 NO [AUTHENTICATIONFAILED] Invalid credentials (Failure)

    So I also ran a debug
    and here it is …

    Please advise me what went wrong I would like to Use to
    Postie to post to my Blog again


    Postie Settings (v1.9.60)
    doing postie_session_start
    Starting mail fetch
    WordPress datetime: 2022-06-18 08:56:42
    wp_content_path: /home/bamsbase/public_html/wp-content
    OS: Linux uscentral11.myserverhosts.com 4.19.150-76.ELK.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Oct 7 01:34:10 CDT 2020 x86_64
    PHP version: 7.3.33
    PHP error_log: error_log
    PHP log_errors: On
    PHP get_temp_dir: /tmp/
    PHP disable_functions: 
    PHP cURL version: 7.81.0
    PHP Multibyte String support: yes
    MySQL Version: 5.6.41
    MySQL client: mysqli
    Query: SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM <code>wp_posts</code>
    wp_posts charset: utf8mb4
    WordPress Version: 6.0
    WordPress Singlesite
    WP_TEMP_DIR: (none)
    WP_HOME: https://bambasements.com
    home_url(): https://bambasements.com
    WP_SITEURL: https://bambasements.com
    site_url(): https://bambasements.com
    WP_DEBUG: Off
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    imagick version: 3.4.3
    gd version: 7.3.33
    image editor supported: WP_Image_Editor_Imagick
    WP_Image_Editor_Imagick supports: image/jpeg
    WP_Image_Editor_Imagick supports: image/png
    WP_Image_Editor_Imagick supports: image/gif
    image editor supported: WP_Image_Editor_GD
    WP_Image_Editor_GD supports: image/jpeg
    WP_Image_Editor_GD supports: image/png
    WP_Image_Editor_GD supports: image/gif
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    No registered filters for wp_handle_upload
    No registered filters for wp_get_attachment_thumb_file
    Registered filters for wp_handle_upload_prefilter
    No registered filters for wp_handle_sideload_prefilter
    No registered filters for pre_move_uploaded_file
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    iconv: present
    Active plugins
         astra-sites/astra-sites.php => 3.1.11
         autoptimize/autoptimize.php => 3.0.4
         elementor-pro/elementor-pro.php => 3.7.1
         elementor/elementor.php => 3.6.6
         elementskit-lite/elementskit-lite.php => 2.6.1
         jetpack/jetpack.php => 11.0
         link-whisper-premium/link-whisper.php => 2.0.2
         optimole-wp/optimole-wp.php => 3.4.3
         postie/postie.php => 1.9.60
         simple-tags/simple-tags.php => 3.6.2
         sql-buddy/sql-buddy.php => 1.0.0
         wordfence/wordfence.php => 7.5.11
         wordpress-seo/wp-seo.php => 19.1
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         wp-rocket/wp-rocket.php => 3.11.3
         wpforms-captcha/wpforms-captcha.php => 1.4.0
         wpforms/wpforms.php =>
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    Postie is in /home/bamsbase/public_html/wp-content/plugins/postie/
    Postie Version: 1.9.60
    No registered filters for postie_filter_email
    No registered filters for postie_filter_email2
    No registered filters for postie_filter_email3
    No registered filters for postie_author
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    No registered filters for postie_post_after
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    No registered filters for postie_comment_before
    No registered filters for postie_comment_after
    No registered filters for postie_category_default
    Registered filters for postie_log_debug
    Registered filters for postie_log_error
    No registered filters for postie_session_start
    No registered filters for postie_session_end
    No registered filters for postie_preconnect
    No registered filters for postie_post_pre
    No registered filters for postie_email_reject_recipients
    No registered filters for postie_email_notify_recipients
    No registered filters for postie_email_reject_subject
    No registered filters for postie_email_notify_subject
    No registered filters for postie_email_reject_body
    No registered filters for postie_place_media
    No registered filters for postie_place_media_before
    No registered filters for postie_place_media_after
    No registered filters for postie_raw
    No registered filters for postie_bare_link
    No registered filters for postie_category
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    No registered filters for postie_include_attachment
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    memory at start of email processing: 141439256
    postie configuration
        [add_meta] => no
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                [custom] => 
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        [input_connection] => sockets
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        [mail_server] => imap.gmail.com
        [mail_server_port] => 993
        [mail_userid] => [email protected]
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                [flv_embed] => [flv:{FILELINK} 480 270]
                [custom] => 
        [wrap_pre] => no
        [featured_image] => 1
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        [email_tls] => 
        [post_format] => standard
        [post_type] => post
        [generaltemplates] => Array
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                [simple_link] => <a href="{FILELINK}">{FILENAME}</a>
                [custom] => 
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        [selected_generaltemplate] => postie_default
        [generate_thumbnails] => 1
        [reply_as_comment] => 1
        [force_user_login] => 0
        [auto_gallery_link] => Default
        [ignore_mail_state] => 
        [strip_reply] => 1
        [postie_log_error] => 1
        [postie_log_debug] => 0
        [category_colon] => 1
        [category_dash] => 1
        [category_bracket] => 1
        [prefer_text_convert] => 1
        [category_remove] => 1
        [ignore_email_date] => 0
        [use_time_offset] => 0
        [postie_log_error_notify] => bambasements
        [image_resize] => 1
        [duplicate_comments] => 0
        [legacy_commands] => 1
    fetch_mail: Connecting to imap.gmail.com:993 (imap-ssl)
    pConnection: mailbox: INBOX
    Connecting via Socket
    Socket: tls://imap.gmail.com:993
    Socket error: 0 -  (Resource id #3057)
    Socket: IMAP
    socket write: A0001 CAPABILITY
    socket read (3) :* OK Gimap ready for requests from bq9mb905833oib
    socket write: (login) LOGIN/APOP/PASS
    socket read (1) :A0002 NO [AUTHENTICATIONFAILED] Invalid credentials (Failure)
    fetch_mail: IMAP - Could not connect to IMAP server imap.gmail.com on port 993. Array
        [0] => A0002 NO [AUTHENTICATIONFAILED] Invalid credentials (Failure)
    doing postie_session_end
    memory at end of email processing: 141448224
    Query: SELECT option_value FROM wp_options WHERE option_name = 'jp_sync_retry_after_sync' LIMIT 1
    Query: SELECT option_value FROM wp_options WHERE option_name = '_transient_timeout_jetpack_sync_constants_await' LIMIT 1
    Query: SELECT option_value FROM wp_options WHERE option_name = '_transient_jetpack_sync_constants_await' LIMIT 1
    Query: SELECT option_value FROM wp_options WHERE option_name = '_site_transient_timeout_theme_roots' LIMIT 1
    Query: SELECT option_value FROM wp_options WHERE option_name = '_site_transient_theme_roots' LIMIT 1
    Query: SELECT option_value FROM wp_options WHERE option_name = '_transient_timeout_jetpack_is_single_user' LIMIT 1
    Query: SELECT option_value FROM wp_options WHERE option_name = '_transient_jetpack_is_single_user' LIMIT 1
    Query: SELECT option_value FROM wp_options WHERE option_name = 'jetpack_sso_remove_login_form' LIMIT 1
    Query: SELECT option_value FROM wp_options WHERE option_name = 'jetpack_sso_match_by_email' LIMIT 1
    Query: SELECT option_value FROM wp_options WHERE option_name = '_transient_timeout_jetpack_sync_callables_await' LIMIT 1
    Query: SELECT option_value FROM wp_options WHERE option_name = '_transient_jetpack_sync_callables_await' LIMIT 1
    Query: SELECT count(*) FROM wp_options WHERE option_name LIKE 'jpsq_sync-%'
    Query: SELECT option_value FROM wp_options WHERE option_name = 'jetpack_sync_full_status' LIMIT 1
    Query: SELECT *, CASE 
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 3 THEN 0
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 4 THEN 1
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 7 THEN 2
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 6 THEN 3
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 5 THEN 4
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 9 THEN 5
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 8 THEN 6
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 2 THEN 7
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 1 THEN 8
    ELSE 9999
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    WHEN <code>type</code> = 3 THEN <code>parameters</code>
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 4 THEN <code>parameters</code>
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 1 THEN <code>IP</code>
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 9 THEN <code>IP</code>
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 5 THEN <code>IP</code>
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 6 THEN <code>IP</code>
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 7 THEN <code>IP</code>
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 2 THEN <code>IP</code>
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 8 THEN <code>IP</code>
    ELSE 9999
    END AS <code>detailSort</code>
     FROM <code>wp_wfblocks7</code> WHERE <code>type</code> IN (4) AND (<code>expiration</code> = 0 OR <code>expiration</code> > UNIX_TIMESTAMP()) ORDER BY <code>typeSort</code> ASC, <code>id</code> DESC
    Query: SELECT *, CASE 
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 3 THEN 0
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 4 THEN 1
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 7 THEN 2
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 6 THEN 3
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 5 THEN 4
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 9 THEN 5
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 8 THEN 6
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 2 THEN 7
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 1 THEN 8
    ELSE 9999
    END AS <code>typeSort</code>, CASE 
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 3 THEN <code>parameters</code>
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 4 THEN <code>parameters</code>
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 1 THEN <code>IP</code>
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 9 THEN <code>IP</code>
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 5 THEN <code>IP</code>
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 6 THEN <code>IP</code>
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 7 THEN <code>IP</code>
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 2 THEN <code>IP</code>
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 8 THEN <code>IP</code>
    ELSE 9999
    END AS <code>detailSort</code>
     FROM <code>wp_wfblocks7</code> WHERE <code>type</code> IN (3) AND (<code>expiration</code> = 0 OR <code>expiration</code> > UNIX_TIMESTAMP()) ORDER BY <code>typeSort</code> ASC, <code>id</code> DESC
    Query: SELECT *, CASE 
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 3 THEN 0
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 4 THEN 1
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 7 THEN 2
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 6 THEN 3
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 5 THEN 4
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 9 THEN 5
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 8 THEN 6
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 2 THEN 7
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 1 THEN 8
    ELSE 9999
    END AS <code>typeSort</code>, CASE 
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 3 THEN <code>parameters</code>
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 4 THEN <code>parameters</code>
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 1 THEN <code>IP</code>
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 9 THEN <code>IP</code>
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 5 THEN <code>IP</code>
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 6 THEN <code>IP</code>
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 7 THEN <code>IP</code>
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 2 THEN <code>IP</code>
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 8 THEN <code>IP</code>
    ELSE 9999
    END AS <code>detailSort</code>
     FROM <code>wp_wfblocks7</code> WHERE <code>type</code> IN (1, 8, 9, 2, 5, 6) AND (<code>expiration</code> = 0 OR <code>expiration</code> > UNIX_TIMESTAMP()) ORDER BY <code>typeSort</code> ASC, <code>id</code> DESC
    Query: SELECT *, CASE 
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 3 THEN 0
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 4 THEN 1
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 7 THEN 2
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 6 THEN 3
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 5 THEN 4
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 9 THEN 5
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 8 THEN 6
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 2 THEN 7
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 1 THEN 8
    ELSE 9999
    END AS <code>typeSort</code>, CASE 
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 3 THEN <code>parameters</code>
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 4 THEN <code>parameters</code>
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 1 THEN <code>IP</code>
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 9 THEN <code>IP</code>
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 5 THEN <code>IP</code>
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 6 THEN <code>IP</code>
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 7 THEN <code>IP</code>
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 2 THEN <code>IP</code>
    WHEN <code>type</code> = 8 THEN <code>IP</code>
    ELSE 9999
    END AS <code>detailSort</code>
     FROM <code>wp_wfblocks7</code> WHERE <code>type</code> IN (7) AND (<code>expiration</code> = 0 OR <code>expiration</code> > UNIX_TIMESTAMP()) ORDER BY <code>typeSort</code> ASC, <code>id</code> DESC

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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Viewing 1 replies (of 1 total)
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