What you have to ask yourself before making this change is this:
Who am I doing this for ?
The answer is YOU.
You obviously get some sort of benefit for this change.
Your commenters get SPAM.
Not the best way to thank them for visiting is it ?
In fact, I think you should tell them that they must mung their address so that a spambot cannot get at it – that then means that neither can you unless you decode the munging, or even not know it at all if they use an email address such as [email protected]. So why bother doing what you have done ?
I would suggest that if your email address, that which is entered into the WP admin side, was easily visible to a spambot, you would hassle for the devs for that information to be hidden.
So why the diferent standard for people who not only visit your blog, but also then take the time to make a comment ???