• Greetings again,

    now I failed on the attempt to upload post-thumbnails. (from a external source, while importing)

    First I tried it with HTTP-URLs, result the importer ignored them and wordpress did nothing. (importing content, but no images/thumbnails)

    Content of post_thumbnail:


    After that, I read some topics here and found out to try the local-path instead, with a little bit more success.

    Content of post_thumbnail:


    WordPress created under media Items for the images but forgot do download them then.

    I looked then why, it doesn’t downloaded them and saw the local-path URL was invalid:


    I looked into the database and for the ‘meta-key’ (_wp_attached_file) and found the value like it was was written in the CSV-File:


    It seems that WordPress simply added the local-path to the URL, instead do downloading or linking them.

    So my questions are:

    1. Is rsCSVi capable to download files from external resources to wordpress while importing?
    2. Or was it made only to link Images to external sources?

    If the fist point is true, what did I wrong?
    Or’ve we found a new bug/behavior?


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  • Hi Takuro.
    I found what could be the problem. It has to be my htpassword that prevent to fetch images on my uploads folder. My dev website is password protected. So to fix the problem I used images in a unprotected folder.

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