Not through email. Email relies on the connections between servers and the lines between them. If you want something immediate, I’d just log into your WordPress site and post – it’ll be immediate then. When you go via the email route, you have to send it, server does it’s thing, sends it on – maybe passes through a couple of servers (that do the same thing) before it hits your host’s server, which does it’s thing before it’ll post Ass an example, I live on the east coast, but the server my host is on – this my email – is on the west coast. Anytime I email anything, it goes through my ISP here on the east coast, gets sent across the country with i don’t know how many hops, then has to get sent back across the country so I can see it via other connections.) *Anything* can mess with the connections between that. Bad weather, bad mole digging and chewing through a wire he shouldn’t, etc. If immediacy is *required*, just log in and post directly from the back end. I have my iPhone set up with my back end as a bookmark. Click, log in, post, done.
That’s really weird that you have to call the file directly. I don’t think you’d *have* to do that. Have you contacted your host about it?